Anyone missing the PUP's improved graphics?

(title response)

yes i am.

look at that blurry goulash of a cliff !

are those terrain fallen trees? they look like someone spilled water on the texture lmao

the roads military building make look so blurry lmaoo

Yes i really miss those graphics, i cant play while looking at this blurry mess knowing it can look MUCH better


Heres hoping they are still planning on graphical updates this in the future.

Adjust scale on some buildings and assets like trees. Would love to see old biomes get either removed or revamped, like the Taigas or Gobi desert looking nothing like their real life counterpart. Would like to see fewer assets being shared between the biomes (too many of the same trees appear over every map). Actually, more nature variety in general would be good; more trees that are limited to specific biomes, more fauna and more foliage.

Revamped water for performance and aesthetics reasons, would like to see map generation changed so water is actually deep. Here is hoping that if this is done, it is designed in a way that would make puddles visible instead of transparent sheets of plastic.

Some kind of antialiasing for the grass. Currently it is just really pixelated unlike everything else.

Some natural effects would be nice; like a flock of birds flying by, or a grove of frogs/beavers in a section of a forest, whales you can fish up, colour temperature for environments (warm tones for deserts, cold for wintery biomes), hell even some slight snow or slight deserty wind.

Make the game feel alive. I don’t get why they left it at this proto-gameplay-only stage.

Despite how much I dislike the campaign, had the graphics been more immersive, it’d pull me a lot more into the actual history channel vibes they were trying. But, there was just never anything there to enjoy.


anyone know whan new graphic would come back?

nope and ms didnt annouce anything as other menbers discussed. no news now

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The season ends in like a week. The patch will be right after that.

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The recent PUP was to test out the new updates for season 5. It was already announced

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yep but no roadmap about the direction of the future of this game or more details about the pup


We already got the full PUP patch notes.

The patch will be in a week when season 4 ends.


Anyone here with True hdr monitor compared the HDR of the game on the pup patch? I just feel like there is room for improvement when it comes to HDR for Aoe4. I have a mini led 1000 hdr monitor and i excepted things to look more lovely.

the season literally starts the 14th or 15th of june (said by the devs)

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current info is not very interestng unless we see more in the final patch log

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I enjoy aoe 4 just for the good graphics! Just building the base is pretty and nice.


It’s good! Very soon :pinched_fingers:

I’ve read that the patch is Wednesday.

And Thursday.

And Friday.

I have no idea when it will be here. But I’m really looking forward to it.

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It’s Thursday! (June 15th) It says in the notes.