Aoe 2 unique units in aoe 3

I did this on reddit but I also wanted to share it here for some opinions xd, if you see something wrong, don’t judge me for it, I took the photos in minimum graphics, my pc is not very good xd (I would like to see how many units they can recognize)


Some units in AoE2DE where modelled after AoE3(DE) models while some AoE3DE models where modelled after AoE2(DE) ones.
Some just share the same name but are essentially different units.
The number of crossovers in both ways increased after Forgotten Empires took over both games.

Did you match Shrivamsha Riders with Steppe Riders? Or was the match supposed to be Steppe Lancers?

Eagle Warriors are technically not unique units and neither are Battle Elephants.
If you wanted to match regional units then you could match Camel Riders with Berber Camel Riders and Winged Hussars with Winged Hussars.

The Shock Riders from AoE3 are maybe a better match for the Hungarian Hussars from AoE2.

You forgot the Caravel that also exists in AoE3.
The Gbeto could maybe be matched with the Dahomey Amazon but she also has a rifle, not only throwing knifes.

Someone who plays both games can recognize all of them :grin:.

Hey @Skadidesu :heart: :wink:

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Fui a por los jinetes esteparios de los Chinos
Bueno puse a los corredores aguila pensando en lo semi unica que es en el aoe 2, el problema es que esa unidad se la dieron a 2 civs que ni siquiera deberian tenerla
en cuanto a los elefantes de batalla mmm tenia en mente al elefante persa, el problema es que el elefante de los nativos sufi pegaba mejor xd
los shock riders estan basados en jinetes croatas por eso no los puse, en cambio los husares magyares del aoe 3 son una evolucion de los del aoe 2
en cuanto a los camelles, simplemente se me olvido sacarles fotos xd
con la carabela me paso lo mismo que con los camellos xd
y las Gbeto lo mismo xd

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I don’t play AoE3, so these are genuine guesses. (I was going to put my answers as spoilers but I can’t figure out how to do it.)

Mameluke/Ghulam, maybe?

Longbowmen? But the bows look a bit short and the armour looks a bit much.


Jaguar Warriors!




Eagle Warriors? Why are they yellow though?

Organ Guns.

Wait, this one’s an Eagle Warrior! So I don’t know what the other one was.


War/Battle Elephants.

Shotel Warriors, stabbing themselves in the chest.


Missionaries, but they look Portuguese I think.



Teutonic Knights, although maybe these are actually Maltese.

Chakram Throwers.


Genoese Crossbowmen.

War Wagons/Hussite Wagons.

Magyar Huszar? I’m really not sure though.

Urumi Swordsmen.


1: uff correcto son mamelucos jaja
2: Son arqueros de tiro largo imperiales
3: Asi es son boyardos
4: Este era obvio xd
5: Nope son keshiks (esta era con trampa ya que los keshiks en aoe 3 usan arco en vez de lanza)
6: Tambien obvio xd
7: Son jinetes esteparios
8: Son caballeros aguila, pero lanzan javalinas
9: le diste de lleno
10: Es el explorador aguila jsjs
12: Asi es
13: También
14: los buenos shotels jaja
15: Buenisimos esos lanceros
16: El atuendo de tanto misioneros españoles como portugueses era similar
17: el clasico
18: Evolucionado
19: si, son hospitalarios malteses, pero hay un easter egg con la carta de bula pontificia
20: en el aoe 3 son nativos
21: en el aoe 3 son buenos para matar cav
22: los ballesteros de genova, que en el 3 si que matan infanteria xd
23: Los buenos vagones
24: sip son husares magyares, pero son más de la era contemporanea
25: y los urumis que revientan mucho a la infanteria

quizas en un futuro traiga una parte 2 si es que a la gente no le molesta xd