AOE 2 vs AOE 3 vs AOE 4 (Spoilers : All of them are great in one way or other)

smt i wanted to share, a tiny glitch with ludicris zoom in 3 DE when quickly going back and forth into photo mode while zooming out and jumping back ingame, normally even ludicris can’t be pushed this far back
(pls ignore glitched score display on bottom right, this is before i made it work right)

It’s also interesting how every Age game (except Myth and Online) got a car-related cheat unit with AoE 2’s cobra car probably being the most recognizable cheat unit within the series.

I’ve got to say, I was definitely expecting a car cheat.

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you know this ss is taken before the recent update where they updated the graphics right?

The positive points mentioned by you from other games do not even match reality, such as which game in the franchise would have the best graphics, another point that you completely distorted was the asymmetrical design of the aoe3 civs, civs asymmetrical design is clearly a hallmark of the aoe III, more so than the aoeIV… and this is just 2 points of the various absurdities that you said, and that were previously addressed in the above replies.

By the way, first of all this post shouldn’t even be here, it should be on off topic.

You just said the wrong things in the wrong place, or you don’t know how to use the forum tool or you are simply malicious…


Aoe3de also has HDR support. It looks simply insane in 4K


You can use auto HDR but it doesn’t have HDR support build in unlike AoE4.
So AoE4 does the HDR part better what I can tell from the little I have played recently but AoE3DE still looks better overall.

In order to “auto HDR” you need to provide metadata that your application supports HDR, so yes, aoe3 de supports HDR just as much as aoe4 does.


Yes, overall, the big RTS were saved from being bad games… CnC had CnC 4, but then it was going to have CnC Generals 2 in 2013, but they canceled it “for not meeting the standards of the saga” and in instead they released Rivals in 2018 yuck… AoE had AoEO in 2011, but since it’s a spinoff it doesn’t count…

Yes, I think it’s a game with potential, but it’s still very green…

Yes, I see you European campaigns…

The compendiums are gods, AoE 2 tells you the history of each civ and AoM and AoE 3 of each unit, element and game mechanics…

It’s just that AoE 3 wasn’t developed to have that kind of zoom…

Yes, it must be because they are spinoffs and they decided not to include it, maybe Retold does have an unique car as a cheat unit…

Yes, maybe when they introduce the new civs in October…

Well let’s calm down, we are grown people…

It’s because it’s a 2005 game, it was never designed to have HDR, HDR was included in the remaster by Tantalus…

Meanwhile AOE 4 has the worst tech tree of all 3. I’ve given feedback on that ever since the pre-launch of the game during beta until now it’s so clunky and slow to access.

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A bit off topic (well this thread is already off topic anyways), look at Tempest Rising graphics, dayummm:

THIS is the level of detail that I’d liked to see in AoE 4, instead we got this:

Yes I know they updated their ground textures, that’s why I posted their units screenshot cause they still look like plastic toys.


Game isn’t out yet, so it’s a brand-new game releasing nearly two years after AoE IV. AoE IV’s min specs are a lot lower, and it launched with a fair few more than eight civs (vs. Tempest’s three).

Seems like a weird thing to insist AoE IV should match its graphical fidelity.

Personally I’m hoping Tempest Rising does well. It looks heavily inspired by CnC. I’ve seen some videos on social media as well.

Yes, i’m playing the public preview Just now and graphic Is very very good. Unreal Engine Is fantastic also for RTS. There’s a big differenze between AOE4 and Tempest rising. Tomorrow i’ll post some screens.


Please guys, I ask you to tone down the discussion, or we will have to take action.

Thank you very much, keep discussing.

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Well I didnt realize how toxic this community is, Just wanted to discuss about greatness of all AOE but this went to AOE 3 vs AOE 4 … well keep enjoying your AOE 3 as in the end youre still playing Age of Empires. After an hour I will request to close this discussion thanks

as i promised. All screens have been captured with maximum settings on 4k.

I think the main problem with AOE4, as also Andy said, is the Essence Engine that have been snatured to run this game.

Unreal Engine looks very fine with RTS so this could be a good solution for the future of franchise


The game you’re taking screenshots of requires a beefier GPU and has less factions. Less factions === more dev time on each faction.

This is why AoE has always been a very different framchise to something like CnC or Warcraft. It’s why AoE III: DE is still getting units updated visually, years after launch (of a remaster of a game that was already developed and released once).

Is 2023. Many players (Reading steam stats) have a 3060 rtx card which is powerful enough to run this game with maximum details. We should consider that Unreal Engine also support DLSS.

It’s no matter how many civilizations will be available at launch but how you’ll spend the resources that you have.
MS gave to Relic a veri good budget to develop but a big amount of It has been dedicated to travels around the world and into documentaries.

It was a developers choice.


i wouldn’t call the above toxicity, you simply made a mistake of posting this in aoe3 subforum, as someone logically stated above, it’d be wiser to place this into off-topic channel, that would mostly avoid conflict and balance the opinions out (for instance, aoe2 players almost never leave their subforum, folks of 3 are encountered everywhere, and folks of 4 mostly only in their subforum), each game’s subforum will have bias to its specific game


It doesn’t matter what “many” players have.

What matters is what hardware the game is targeting. AoE IV targets a wider range of GPUs than Tempest Rising.

You can complain about this if you want, I really don’t mind. But “4.7% of gamers on Steam that participate in the hardware survey have a 3060” isn’t the win you think it is.

And besides, ~5% isn’t “many”, haha. 3000-series cards account for less than 25% of the listed GPUs when you add all of them up (including laptop cards, that are massively cut back compared to desktop cards).

Again, if you think this is market research, I don’t know what to say.

You have no idea what they spent on what. You have no idea what budget Tempest’s team are working to either.

Neither do I.

But factually, less factions means you can spend more time on each of them, vs. a product which launches with eight (and added two more a year later).

I dunno. The forums aren’t biased. The posters are, nomatter where they post.

I really do think AoE III fans need to be a bit more accepting of other games in general. More than a few of them seem way too invested in tearing down other games, in any subforum. And the amount I hear about the negativity of AoE II players (towards III), the irony makes me shake my head.

(immediate company excepted of course!)