AOE 2 vs AOE 3 vs AOE 4 (Spoilers : All of them are great in one way or other)

the point of the irony you notice here is following, both aoe2 and 3 have extremely high quality bar that was set at release and only went up with each rerelease, yes aoe2 fanatics (the loudest ones) were carpet bombing aoe3 back in 05, that started to fade with 3’s expansions when both communities stabilized
is there a case of both fanbases putting those games on a pedestal, that really should be a no brainer at a glance, ofc it is, imo, aoe4 would never reach expectations of either to full extent, but lemme point one thing out, when aoe4 released, aoe2 players were, again, the loudest critics, for a while a bunch of 3’s players sided with those of 4 because they knew what its like to be targetted by aoe2 fanatics over game preference
over time ofc, with insufficient progress from relic to our expectations, that relation basically faded away


In my experience, this was true of groups from both games. There were loud critics from both games, that often went at each other more than IV, and there were people who wanted to give IV a chance from both fanbases as well (for different reasons though).

I’m not talking about reasonable criticism here, I’m talking about the irony in some posters repeatedly stereotyping AoE II fans (as an entire sub-community, from reading posts here and in the IV subforum), while at the same time having a lot of aggro for anyone daring to question the holiness that is III (again - in any subforum, not just this one). I wouldn’t expect posting in Off Topic to get a different reaction, it’s more that posters might miss it more easily, more than anything else.

my goal with offtopic was avoiding one group being the overwhelming majority


nah I know when people are being toxic and when they are giving their opinion…I posted it here because 3 is the middle number… it comes between 2 and 4 … and its not offtopic as it still relevant to all Age of Empires… anyways I requested for a closure so it should be removed when time comes

in all honestly, this was a really bad idea, this series isn’t one where i’d deem it wise to pull this maneuver, saying this as someone thats been with aoe2 and 3 since early 2006

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I get you. In my experience, fans of III are the most likely to post cross-forum. So while I don’t doubt the intent, I don’t think it’d have worked out haha.

(then again, who knows)

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well you got that right, as i said prior, players of 2 stick to their subforum, us of 3 are all over the place, and those of 4 are still figuring their way around outside of 4 subforum

I don’t agree with you saying that this community is “toxic”.
Since the topic you posted involves the comparison of different works in the same series, it is your subjective idea, which means that other people will have different understandings.
In particular, you mentioned that Age of Empires 4 has better picture quality, and everyone can also subjectively think that the picture quality of Age of Empires 2 or 3 is better. I subjectively think that 3>2>4 in terms of picture effect.
You can’t say that this community is “toxic” just because the opinion is different from yours.



Aoe4 creating good visuals with ‘modding tools’ doesn’t mean much.


Yes, I agree… for me it’s the new Generals 2… I’ll try it when it comes out…

As Fantino would say: “Guys, if you are going to argue, let it be disrespectful”… xd

A classic…

Whenever i see a game in unreal engine, i know it will ##### #### ##### looks cool, but it’s a resource hog. I haven’t played a single unreal engine game that doesn’t randomly drop FPS. And it’s even worse in online. I seriously hope aoe franchise doesn’t go for unreal engine.

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they even had a perfect candidate asset available, the kübelwagen, and potentially the sturmtiger

I think this is the direction a lot of video games are going in. It is possible that it will end up being standardized in a few years.

Its not about the opinions… its about the way they are expressing their opinions… They are being aggressive. Its like I never shouldve created this comparison

The qualities of AOE4 in my opinion:

Good relief and mountains.
Very beautiful meadows and terrain.
Captured cattle follow the scouts.
It’s relatively easy for new players to understand when compared to AOE-3.
Naval attack very well done.
Units that attack while moving.
Vision obstructed by natural elements such as trees, mountains and cliffs.
Scalable walls.
Soldiers can build siege engines on the battlefield (although they do not have the build animation).


admittedly i didn’t see any real aggression, just many stating the obvious, also posting this on 3 subforum you should’ve known ahead of time based on posts alone what would occur


If you cant see the aggression then you simply got used to it.

again, learn to handle maybe not having a popular take, now to point smt important out, your comparison above, in this case specifically for 3 and 4 is directly contradicting itself on multiple points, you for instance simultaniously say this:

and this:

you can’t have best animation in 2 categories, and this isn’t the only inconsistency in there (randomly putting sound effects in the same line as best animation is an interesting choice for instance, given how unrelated they are)
and yes best animation details and best animation, regardless of if you like it or not, is the same thing

Yes, I agree…the kubelwagen suits it better…