AoE 3 Companion (Mobile App)

Hello everyone,

As some of you might know, i launched a mobile app for the game in the play store some time ago, this is just an update thread to summarize what its capable of for now.
Link :
Google Play

Main Page of the app:

Features of the app:

Ranked Ladder, Follow Players

Taunts Screen

All Maps Screen With their related Natives and Mercs

Deck Builder, Online Sharing and Revolutions

Save and modify online shared decks

Units Screen with most of their details (to be polished)

Counters Page (to be finished, just checks type )

Buildings Page that shows what they can train/research inside (needs polish)

based on civ selected (to be finished)

Civs Page with their age ups, unique bonus, starting units and crates

Natives and all of their details

Real Time Lobbies In Game

Real Time Ongoing Ranked Matches

All HC Cards page

Comparison Page (to be finished)

Latest News and browsing this Forum

Link :


The app has been updated to the latest patch, will take sometime for it to get updated in the store :slight_smile:

edit: should be updated.


Thanks for your work

Thanks for this app!

I just had a small bug report to make: pikeman stats still don’t display their range.

huh? what do you mean?

Pikemen get extra range with each upgrade. I don’t think their base range changed though.

They have 2 range. I don’t think the app shows that on the unit stats cards.

I believe its what moozilla is saying, basically the ‘base’ unit doesn’t have it and it gets it via upgrades/shadow techs.

Hello guys,
I would like to share this really useful tool online maybe by andrew ESOCommunity - Viewing profile - andrewgs (

Allows you to matchup X unit vs Y unit