AOE 4 ideas

I’ll drop here few ideas and I’ll try too keep it up to date:


  1. Much larger maps ( we have good PC nowadays and we can manage maps)
  2. More resources and respownable (This is an extreme example)
    a. Raw: Wood - Processed: Plank - It might be used for normal and siege units/buildings/normal, siege and buildings research/normal, siege and buildings upgrades.
    b. Raw: Stone - Processed: Bricks - It might be used for siege units/buildings/siege and buildings research/siege and buildings upgrades.
    c. Raw: Crystal - Processed: Gems - It might be used for late game buildings/research/upgrades.
    d. Raw: Ore - Processed: Metal - It might be used for hevy/plate armor units/ buldings/ hevy/plate armor units and buildings research/ hevy/plate armor units and buildings upgrades.
    e. Raw: Hide - Processed: Leather - It might be used for medium armor units/ medium armor units research/ medium armor units upgrades.
    f. Raw: Fiber - Processed: Cloth - It might be used for light armor units/light armor units research/light armor units upgrades.
    g. Raw: Food
    h. Raw: Oil/Tar - Processed: Resin - It might be used for incendiary units/structure/siege and their research/upgrades.
    i. Resources should respown randomly on the map after a random timer. Tree, bushes and fruit trees should grow again, fishes and wild animals should born , ore veins and stones should pop out from the ground,
  3. More than 200 controllable units
  4. Unique units for each civilizations
  5. Unique traits for each civilizations
  6. Unique structures for each civilizations
  7. Siege-weapons that are not robots/auto-pilot but must be used by units:
    a. Add units who can controll, pull/tow, assemble, load stones and stuff on those kind of units. Specific units to controll and use siege-w. Killable units to make siege-w harmless. Siege-w should be usuable by all rather the player who has built them. If the siege-w is unitless it can be controlled by the first who sent units there. Everyone should be allowed to create units who are can take controll of the siege-w.
    b. Horses/bulls pulling wagons and carriages.
  8. Day/Night cycles
    a. Day = 100% vision/sight
    b. Night = 50% vision/sight
    c. Torches/lights around structures/buildings = 75% vision during the night.
    d. Portable (killable) torches/lights to put on the ground, outside the villages too, to grant 75% vision during the night.
  9. Seasons cycles - Bringing advantages and disadvantages to gameplay.
    a. Spring - 100% contruction, production, research, recruitment
    b. Summer - 75% contruction, 125% production, 100% research, recruitment
    c. Autumn - 100% contruction, production, research, recruitment
    d. Winter - 75% contruction, production, 125% research, recruitment
  10. Weather cycles - Bringing advantages and disadvantages to gameplay.
    a. Sultry day - 90% move speed - 100% uptime during Summer.
    b. Sunny day - 100% move speed - RNG uptime during Spring/Autumn.
    c. Cloudy day - 100% move speed - RNG uptime during Spring/Autumn.
    d. Windy day - 90% move speed - RNG uptime during Spring/Autumn.
    e. Rainy day - 85% move speed - RNG uptime during Spring/Autumn.
    f. Snow day - 75% move speed - 100% uptime Winter.
  11. Ditches - an ability to create water filled ditches in front of the walls. (buildable like walls)
  12. Traps


  1. More PvP modes:
    a. Unranked Match 1v1,2v2,3v3… and so on
    b. Ranked Match 1v1,2v2,3v3… and so on (Leaderboard) - Games with match making and MMR values.
    c. Unranked Draft 1v1,2v2,3v3… and so on - A draft phase before get in to the game where people can ban 1-2 civilization before start. Everyone can vote one civ and the one or the 2 that get’s higer votes gets banned.
    d. Ranked Draft 1v1,2v2,3v3… and so on (Leaderboard) - A draft phase before get in to the game where people can ban 1-2 civilization before start. Everyone can vote one civ and the one or the 2 that get’s higer votes gets banned. Games with match making and MMR values.
  2. Open World PvP Campaign (with a seasonal expiration date) - Age of Empires: Castle Siege kind. An unique server without a limit players and no winning conditions except expiration date (fe. 6months), players are allowed to make alliances, siege togheter and so on. Villages can be destroyed and plundered. Destroyed villages can be repaired. Succesfully defending or attacking provides points (crowns). Attacking weaker alliances/players will cause you to lose points/crowns. A leaderbord showing the Alliances/Players owning the campaign based on points/crowns.