AoE CUSTOM Gaming PC Contest - Craft of Cartography!

Hello everyone, Age of Noob here. :slight_smile:

Iā€™m proud to announce Craft of Cartography, the ultimate Crafted Map making contest for Age of Empires IV!

While every participant will get a chance to win an EVGA Gaming Mouse and Keyboard, the winner of the event will take this awesome, custom-built AoE-themed gaming PC, courtesy of Silver Knight PCs.

Everything you need to know about the contest, how to sign up, and its prizes is summarized in the following brief announcement video.

I hope we can all have fun with this, and looking forward to see what the community can put together! Cheers!


I really wish there were some good Toturials on how to use the AOE4 mod tool.

I tried using the tool to make own Random generated crafted map. But my brain started to go haywire trying to understand it.