These details are CRITICAL; DO NOT skip them or your issue may not be reviewed.
- GAME BUILD #: 63482
The game installation is crashing at a fixed point in Campaign. The game is crashing at Vlad Dracula, stage 5, after (or right before) I destroy the first Ottoman Army guard tower.
The game log reports exception 0xc0000005, seemingly caused by XboxPlatform::SetPresence not successful: XboxLiveContext is null
Here is the entire log:
Initializing Time System
Initializing Command Line
Constant Logging is OFF
Verbose Logging is OFF
Startup is being logged
Age of Empires II DE start at 2022-06-29T14:34:44.424Z
Build version: 101.101.63482.0
Build stream: phoenix_stream_release_smx
Build config: Final Steam D3D11, built on BUILDBOX_8, at 2022-06-27T11:16:07
DirectX is being logged
Initializing File System
Initializing Performance Profiler
Gathering System Information
Processor architecture: x64 (AMD or Intel) type 86/x64
Processor level 6, revision 11266
Number of processors = 12
Multi core processor #0, efficiency class 0, 1 groups
Processor group 0, affinity 0x3
L1 data cache: line size=64 bytes, size=32768 bytes, affinity=0x3, group=0
L1 instruction cache: line size=64 bytes, size=32768 bytes, affinity=0x3, group=0
L2 unified cache: line size=64 bytes, size=262144 bytes, affinity=0x3, group=0
L3 unified cache: line size=64 bytes, size=12582912 bytes, affinity=0xfff, group=0
Multi core processor #1, efficiency class 0, 1 groups
Processor group 0, affinity 0xc
L1 data cache: line size=64 bytes, size=32768 bytes, affinity=0xc, group=0
L1 instruction cache: line size=64 bytes, size=32768 bytes, affinity=0xc, group=0
L2 unified cache: line size=64 bytes, size=262144 bytes, affinity=0xc, group=0
Multi core processor #2, efficiency class 0, 1 groups
Processor group 0, affinity 0x30
L1 data cache: line size=64 bytes, size=32768 bytes, affinity=0x30, group=0
L1 instruction cache: line size=64 bytes, size=32768 bytes, affinity=0x30, group=0
L2 unified cache: line size=64 bytes, size=262144 bytes, affinity=0x30, group=0
Multi core processor #3, efficiency class 0, 1 groups
Processor group 0, affinity 0xc0
L1 data cache: line size=64 bytes, size=32768 bytes, affinity=0xc0, group=0
L1 instruction cache: line size=64 bytes, size=32768 bytes, affinity=0xc0, group=0
L2 unified cache: line size=64 bytes, size=262144 bytes, affinity=0xc0, group=0
Multi core processor #4, efficiency class 0, 1 groups
Processor group 0, affinity 0x300
L1 data cache: line size=64 bytes, size=32768 bytes, affinity=0x300, group=0
L1 instruction cache: line size=64 bytes, size=32768 bytes, affinity=0x300, group=0
L2 unified cache: line size=64 bytes, size=262144 bytes, affinity=0x300, group=0
Multi core processor #5, efficiency class 0, 1 groups
Processor group 0, affinity 0xc00
L1 data cache: line size=64 bytes, size=32768 bytes, affinity=0xc00, group=0
L1 instruction cache: line size=64 bytes, size=32768 bytes, affinity=0xc00, group=0
L2 unified cache: line size=64 bytes, size=262144 bytes, affinity=0xc00, group=0
NUMA Node #0
Group max: 1, active groups: 1
Group #0, 12/12 active processors, affinity mask:0xfff
Total physical memory is 16.000 GB
Maximum system memory: 15.998 GB currently available:12.651 GB
Page file size: 31.998 GB currently available:27.505 GB
Maximum virtual memory: 16383.999 GB currently available:16383.999 GB extended currently available:0.000 GB
Primary display resolution is 1360x768, desktop size is 1376x784
Graphics Adapter Name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980
Adapter LUID: 00000000:00007536
Vendor: 4318 device ID:5056 subsys ID:912856152 rev:161
Dedicated VRAM: 4053.38 MB
Dedicated system RAM: 0.00 MB
Shared RAM: 8191.24 MB
System has no battery
Battery saver is OFF
Benchmark quad write: 4.311541 milliseconds == 8349.68 MB/s
Benchmark fast write: 4.435148 milliseconds == 8116.98 MB/s
Benchmark slow write: 5.161936 milliseconds == 6974.13 MB/s
CPU rating: 14117.0, GPU rating: 4053.4
Checking graphics driver version
Found graphics driver info:
Driver for:NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 by: NVIDIA
Internal driver version:
User driver version: 472.12
Driver date: 9-13-2021
Initializing Telemetry Manager
Initializing Time System
Setting Up Systems
Initializing Registry Options
Setting Program Defaults
Setting up main window
Initializing Reflect
Register Classes
Initializing Speech Synthesis
Initializing Achievement Manager
Initializing UI Widget Manager
Initializing Campaign File Type
Initializing SP Savegame File Type
Initializing MP Savegame File Type
Initializing Random Map File Type
Initializing Random Map Group Manager
Initializing Scenario File Type
Initializing Wwise Manager
Initializing Civilization
Initializing Error Handler
Initializing DLC Manager
Initializing Steam System
Initializing Tool Manager
Initializing Mod Manager
Initializing Loggg System
Initializing Time System
Initializing UI System
Initializing Additional Options
Initializing Localization Manager
Initializing Font Manager
Initializing Terrain
Initializing Game Version Manager
Initializing FPS Control
Initializing Difficulty
Initializing Game Mode
Initializing Player Profile Manager
Initializing Update Manager
Initializing Panel System
Initializing Screen Stack
Initializing Sync Logger
Initializing Random Manager
Initializing Network speed Data
Initializing ErrorReportingManager
Found crash report file from previous run.
This Steam account 76561198171033179 is online
Active Launch Options: none
Initializing Game
Setting up graphics
Setting up mouse
Setting up screen
Setting up chat
Setting up comm handler
Setting version info: app = 63482 data = 0 mod = 0 version = 56950784
Setup mod manager
Get token via xforge_workshop::InstalledMods, Result {1} Token {Steam1.0 CAEQwOSFXhgFID8qcGCny8TrsVS+zmia2IbWoB+nvjBX2YyWFCRTOsGvv3EIZS6FFe0ixmw89tGGVYpYyaEknAvTUIcyO9WB0hqBtOmK0XY6A2Zdsy/U2uQX8TXpx1sbPZxpDxQsqT6G1e3wj3hZbqlWBjJ+vXkrnWOVj/Q=}
Setup post mod manager
SyncAI is being logged
SyncPlayer is being logged
SyncRandom is being logged
[rlink - error] 2022/06/29 14:34:49.395 (UTC) XboxPlatform::SetPresence not successful: XboxLiveContext is null
Installing modded languages
Opening resource packages
Setting up palettes
Setting up shapes
Setting up save map area
Setting up sound system
Setting up screen resolution
Available resolutions:1920x1080, 1768x992, 1680x1050, 1600x1024, 1600x900, 1366x768, 1360x768, 1280x1024, 1280x960, 1280x800, 1280x768, 1280x720, 1152x864, 1024x768
Recommended settings:
resolution: 1920 x 1080
downscale percentage = 100
high-resolution assets = YES
antialiasing = YES
framelimit = INFINITE
fog = YES, animatedFogBorder = YES
edge-blur = YES
bloom = YES
vsync = NO
File System Ready
Launching intro video AOEIIDE_TITLEVIDEO
Setting up video system
Opening video
Setting up interface messages
Loading player profile
Setting up hotkeys
Total Initialization Time: 10922 ms
Running Game
Total Texture Load Time: 0 ms
Closing video
[rlink - error] 2022/06/29 14:35:03.950 (UTC) XboxPlatform::SetPresence not successful: XboxLiveContext is null
[rlink - error] 2022/06/29 14:35:04.507 (UTC) Unknown presenceID entered
[rlink - error] 2022/06/29 14:35:13.968 (UTC) XboxPlatform::SetPresence not successful: XboxLiveContext is null
[rlink - error] 2022/06/29 14:35:14.190 (UTC) Unknown presenceID entered
Exception type 0xc0000005 occurred at 00007ff6b0a30330
Writing crash record file.
Generating autosave.
Save result:Success
Writing out log
What I tried was to load the saved game, so I can resume my match normally. Resulted in the previous crash and same log. Tried to completely restart the mission, same result. Log In and Out of Xbox Live. When logged in, the crash log is a bit different:
Initializing Time System
Initializing Command Line
Constant Logging is OFF
Verbose Logging is OFF
Startup is being logged
Age of Empires II DE start at 2022-06-29T14:22:52.438Z
Build version: 101.101.63482.0
Build stream: phoenix_stream_release_smx
Build config: Final Steam D3D11, built on BUILDBOX_8, at 2022-06-27T11:16:07
DirectX is being logged
Initializing File System
Initializing Performance Profiler
Gathering System Information
Processor architecture: x64 (AMD or Intel) type 86/x64
Processor level 6, revision 11266
Number of processors = 12
Multi core processor #0, efficiency class 0, 1 groups
Processor group 0, affinity 0x3
L1 data cache: line size=64 bytes, size=32768 bytes, affinity=0x3, group=0
L1 instruction cache: line size=64 bytes, size=32768 bytes, affinity=0x3, group=0
L2 unified cache: line size=64 bytes, size=262144 bytes, affinity=0x3, group=0
L3 unified cache: line size=64 bytes, size=12582912 bytes, affinity=0xfff, group=0
Multi core processor #1, efficiency class 0, 1 groups
Processor group 0, affinity 0xc
L1 data cache: line size=64 bytes, size=32768 bytes, affinity=0xc, group=0
L1 instruction cache: line size=64 bytes, size=32768 bytes, affinity=0xc, group=0
L2 unified cache: line size=64 bytes, size=262144 bytes, affinity=0xc, group=0
Multi core processor #2, efficiency class 0, 1 groups
Processor group 0, affinity 0x30
L1 data cache: line size=64 bytes, size=32768 bytes, affinity=0x30, group=0
L1 instruction cache: line size=64 bytes, size=32768 bytes, affinity=0x30, group=0
L2 unified cache: line size=64 bytes, size=262144 bytes, affinity=0x30, group=0
Multi core processor #3, efficiency class 0, 1 groups
Processor group 0, affinity 0xc0
L1 data cache: line size=64 bytes, size=32768 bytes, affinity=0xc0, group=0
L1 instruction cache: line size=64 bytes, size=32768 bytes, affinity=0xc0, group=0
L2 unified cache: line size=64 bytes, size=262144 bytes, affinity=0xc0, group=0
Multi core processor #4, efficiency class 0, 1 groups
Processor group 0, affinity 0x300
L1 data cache: line size=64 bytes, size=32768 bytes, affinity=0x300, group=0
L1 instruction cache: line size=64 bytes, size=32768 bytes, affinity=0x300, group=0
L2 unified cache: line size=64 bytes, size=262144 bytes, affinity=0x300, group=0
Multi core processor #5, efficiency class 0, 1 groups
Processor group 0, affinity 0xc00
L1 data cache: line size=64 bytes, size=32768 bytes, affinity=0xc00, group=0
L1 instruction cache: line size=64 bytes, size=32768 bytes, affinity=0xc00, group=0
L2 unified cache: line size=64 bytes, size=262144 bytes, affinity=0xc00, group=0
NUMA Node #0
Group max: 1, active groups: 1
Group #0, 12/12 active processors, affinity mask:0xfff
Total physical memory is 16.000 GB
Maximum system memory: 15.998 GB currently available:13.062 GB
Page file size: 31.998 GB currently available:27.984 GB
Maximum virtual memory: 16383.999 GB currently available:16383.999 GB extended currently available:0.000 GB
Primary display resolution is 1360x768, desktop size is 1376x784
Graphics Adapter Name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980
Adapter LUID: 00000000:00007536
Vendor: 4318 device ID:5056 subsys ID:912856152 rev:161
Dedicated VRAM: 4053.38 MB
Dedicated system RAM: 0.00 MB
Shared RAM: 8191.24 MB
System has no battery
Battery saver is OFF
Benchmark quad write: 4.307698 milliseconds == 8357.13 MB/s
Benchmark fast write: 4.303343 milliseconds == 8365.59 MB/s
Benchmark slow write: 4.302446 milliseconds == 8367.33 MB/s
CPU rating: 14365.6, GPU rating: 4053.4
Checking graphics driver version
Found graphics driver info:
Driver for:NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 by: NVIDIA
Internal driver version:
User driver version: 472.12
Driver date: 9-13-2021
Initializing Telemetry Manager
Initializing Time System
Setting Up Systems
Initializing Registry Options
Setting Program Defaults
Setting up main window
Initializing Reflect
Register Classes
Initializing Speech Synthesis
Initializing Achievement Manager
Initializing UI Widget Manager
Initializing Campaign File Type
Initializing SP Savegame File Type
Initializing MP Savegame File Type
Initializing Random Map File Type
Initializing Random Map Group Manager
Initializing Scenario File Type
Initializing Wwise Manager
Initializing Civilization
Initializing Error Handler
Initializing DLC Manager
Initializing Steam System
Initializing Tool Manager
Initializing Mod Manager
Initializing Loggg System
Initializing Time System
Initializing UI System
Initializing Additional Options
Initializing Localization Manager
Initializing Font Manager
Initializing Terrain
Initializing Game Version Manager
Initializing FPS Control
Initializing Difficulty
Initializing Game Mode
Initializing Player Profile Manager
Initializing Update Manager
Initializing Panel System
Initializing Screen Stack
Initializing Sync Logger
Initializing Random Manager
Initializing Network speed Data
Initializing ErrorReportingManager
Found crash report file from previous run.
This Steam account 76561198171033179 is online
Active Launch Options: none
Initializing Game
Setting up graphics
Setting up mouse
Setting up screen
Setting up chat
Setting up comm handler
Setting version info: app = 63482 data = 0 mod = 0 version = 56950784
Setup mod manager
Get token via xforge_workshop::InstalledMods, Result {1} Token {Steam1.0 CAEQpd39wAUYBSA/KnAWEPPCBaVA+uTWLYVqPwnHQYhT569BkGbBgiYUVy0Nrzh79m/2/dccO6118rilPJ0DkY2j20fDeGovEP9pbbyqC9FquHL696JZXn6fOs0FhNe9fvRakPneTv3aiukR+oxfLDWHnsMpmIXt1T3firxT}
Setup post mod manager
SyncAI is being logged
SyncPlayer is being logged
SyncRandom is being logged
[rlink - error] 2022/06/29 14:22:58.639 (UTC) XboxPlatform::SetPresence not successful: XboxLiveContext is null
Installing modded languages
Opening resource packages
Setting up palettes
Setting up shapes
Setting up save map area
Setting up sound system
Setting up screen resolution
Available resolutions:1920x1080, 1768x992, 1680x1050, 1600x1024, 1600x900, 1366x768, 1360x768, 1280x1024, 1280x960, 1280x800, 1280x768, 1280x720, 1152x864, 1024x768
Recommended settings:
resolution: 1920 x 1080
downscale percentage = 100
high-resolution assets = YES
antialiasing = YES
framelimit = INFINITE
fog = YES, animatedFogBorder = YES
edge-blur = YES
bloom = YES
vsync = NO
File System Ready
Launching intro video AOEIIDE_TITLEVIDEO
Setting up video system
Opening video
Setting up interface messages
Loading player profile
Setting up hotkeys
Total Initialization Time: 23286 ms
Running Game
Total Texture Load Time: 0 ms
Closing video
[rlink - error] 2022/06/29 14:23:28.948 (UTC) XboxPlatform::SetPresence not successful: XboxLiveContext is null
[rlink - error] 2022/06/29 14:23:29.182 (UTC) Unknown presenceID entered
[rlink - error] 2022/06/29 14:23:39.506 (UTC) AddUserUiAsync, signIn failed: Error[0x80004004]
[rlink - error] 2022/06/29 14:25:01.335 (UTC) AddUserUiAsync, signIn failed: Error[0x80004004]
[rlink - error] 2022/06/29 14:25:39.125 (UTC) AddUserUiAsync, signIn failed: Error[0x80004004]
Loading player profile
Setting up hotkeys
[rlink - error] 2022/06/29 14:26:13.619 (UTC) XBoxAchievementService::HandleGetRelationships, response error: invalid_argument
[rlink - error] 2022/06/29 14:26:18.599 (UTC) Unknown presenceID entered
Exception type 0xc0000005 occurred at 00007ff6b0a30330
Writing crash record file.
Generating autosave.
Save result:Success
Writing out log
How often does the issue occur? CHOSE ONE; DELETE THE REST!
- 100% of the time I play Campaign - Vlad Dracula - Stage 5 (ALWAYS)
- Otherwise, less than 25% of the time I play (RARELY)
List CLEAR and DETAILED STEPS we can take to reproduce the issue ourselves… Be descriptive!
Here’s the steps to reproduce the issue:
- In the Main Menu, select Campaign
- In the Campaign menu, select Vlad Dracula
- In the Vlad Dracula menu, select stage “5. The Night Falls”.
- Destroy the first Southern Ottoman watch tower.
What was SUPPOSED to happen if the bug you encountered were not present?
The watch tower should go down and the game should continue normally.
ALWAYS attach a PICTURE (.jpg, .png, .gif) or VIDEO (.mp4, YouTube link) that highlights the problem.
Attach a SAVE GAME (.aoe2spgame) or GAME RECORDING (.aoe2record) of the match where you encountered the issue. Link it below if using an external file service.