AoE1DE should become an AoE2DE Expansion

Yes, I share everything, except for Attila’s campaign, which ends at 453, not at 434 xd…

Of course, I share everything…

have you read mine? I simply want them to be playable vs each other without restriction. having paying for a DLC to be restricted is beyond stupid and I would not pay for it and would just play it as a mod instead.

as it would rightfully so. casual gaming shoudl allow everything while tournament remains AOE2 side and AOE1 remains it’s own.

So you would rather balance them perfectly so they can actually be played against each other?
That would be massive work and nearly impossible without basically turning all of AoE1 into AoE2. Changing all units, technologies and buildings so they have the same stats as their AoE2 counterparts.

At that point if would just be an ancient skin for additional AoE2 civilisations.

Also the idea is that you don’t have to buy it if you already bought AoE1DE before the DLC releases.
AoE1DE (20$) would turn into Legacy AoE1DE (15$) and AoE2DE AoE1DLC (15$) for everyone who already bought it. Or something like that.

Also it’s impossible to make it as a mod for multiple reason. Some things can’t be changed by modders because they are hardcoded.

Also I still want the ability to let AoE1 and AoE2 civs play against each other. As I’ve said a million times.
The core idea is that you can make them play against each other but that it’s not perfectly balanced.
You can make a custom lobby, you can set it up in skirmish and of course you can use both sets of civilisations on the Editor.

Only the matchmaking is separate. If it wasn’t people would simply just play the one set of civilisations that is stronger.

you must be crazy to think they would make an expansion to have additional civs and not able to play with one another.

it would make sense in campaign wise, or tournament wise or even casual among friends they would prefer aoe1 civs vs aoe1 civs only. it would be a huge let down not able to play the game we want to play.

a mod can already do balancing, and take aoe1 asset for aoe1 civs. why would anyone pay money for it if you can’t have additional civs to use for fun?

I feel like we are missing each others points.
I read your first post wrong.
You read my posts wrong too.
I think.

I want to be able to play AoE1 vs. AoE2 in the same match.
But I don’t want to add AoE1 vs. AoE2 matchmaking because it’s not balanced enough.

Yes, in fact in AoE Online they are going to put the Indians (Mauryas)…

I support the motion with total violence xd…

Yes you saw… it’s quite a theme… and what happens if later people want to put the civs of aoe 3 DE in aoe 2 DE? We are in the same…

AoE3DE is in a very good shape unlike AoE1DE.
Also AoE3 (and AoM) use a totally different engine.
AoE1DE uses an older version of the same engine that AoE2DE uses. You can relatively easily transfer most of AoE1DE content to AoE2DE.

If anything it would make sense to add AoE2DE civilisations to AoE3DE. It kinda already has some of the like Inca and Aztecs they are completely without gunpowder weapons even.
And depending on how you want to see it also Spanish and Japanese, they are both mostly depicted as early modern before 1600AD civilisations in both games, the Japanese AoE2DE historical missions only predate the AoE3DE Japanese campaign by less then 20 years.

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Yes good point… same in moddb I saw one who had tried to adapt aoe 3 in the aoe 2 HD and the truth looked interesting, it was called aoe 2: the next chapter and knew how to adapt very well aoe 3 in aoe 2…

This is a total conversion mod for Age of Empires 2 HD Edition, which takes place in the colonial era. This is not an Age of Empires 3 remake, nor is it simply Age of Empires 2 set in the colonial era. There are new units, buildings, techs, and features which help it better fit into the colonial era.

ModDB Page:

It is for the HD version.

There are 18 Civilizations in total and their building sets are as follows:

13 Colonies

Eastern European


Native American:
Plains Natives Building Set
Forest Natives Building Set


In the Independance Age, the North American Colonies, Britan and france, and the Dutch, Germans, and Swedes recieve a more specialized set respectively.

The new Ages are:

The Exploration Age - 1492 - 1560
Represents the age of exploration, including famous explorers, and trade with Native populations

The Colonial Age - 1561 - 1699
The age when colonizing of the New World began

Fortress Age - 1700 - 1769
The age when world powers began fighting for control in the New World

Independence Age - 1770 - 1850
Represents events such as the American Revolution, and the War of 1812, when Nations became separate from European Empires. Also represents the era of Napoleon.

Some Key Changes:

All European and American Civilizations start with an explorer unit similar to the one in Age of Empires 3. All Native American Civilizations begin with a similar, Chief, unit.

The Native Embassy is the first buildable military building, replacing the barracks, and trains Native military units.

Exploration Age Buildings for the Europeans:




European Infantry Line

Native Infantry Line

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Yes, that would be very good…

Yes good point… You are right…

Now only time will tell how close this will be to what I’ve suggested here.
Will it be a near 1 to 1 recreation of AoE1 or will it be a little closer to AoE2, more like an AoE1.5?


Maybe will be an AoE 1.5…

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What I really wanted was an expansion for Age 1 DE. Which to this day does not exist. And not an import from Age 1 to Age 2. in Age 1 (New expansion) I would like: Spearman (Age of Tools): Anti-cavalry unit trained in barracks. Elite slinger (age of bronze): slinger upgrade, with +1 attack, +1 armor-piercing range and +15 HP (40HP). Reavy Camel Rider (Iron Age): +2 Attack, Aadura, +1 Piercing Armor, and +15 HP. Elite Axeman: +2 Attack, Armor, +1 Piercing Armor and +15 HP. caravan (tool age): land trade unit, similar to trade boat. And technologies: leather shield (tool age): +1 piercing armor for all infantry units. (…) please add…


I think if you get extra shield from tool age then you need to make extra missile weapon damage tech also for balance reason. Most likely that would be bronze age tech.


AoE1DE has 2 big issues:

  • It has a lot less players
  • It is harder to make a DLC for AoE1DE then it is for AoE2DE

It would be financially stupid to make a DLC for AoE1DE at the current point because you would have to invest more work to get a lot less sales.

Yes in a perfect world AoE1DE would have no bugs and a lot of DLCs, but we don’t live in this world. We can fantasize about what they could do if they didn’t need to play their stuff.

Porting AoE1DE to AoE2DE solves the engine issue. Now it will be exactly as easy to make AoE1DE DLC as it is to make DLCs for AoE2DE.
Porting AoE1DE to AoE2DE also solves half (if not more) of all bugs and performance issues the game has.
Porting AoE1DE to AoE2DE also automatically gives the game more content. Lot’s of new terrain, trees and Gaia units.

I’m not sure if they plan to add any more things other then what already is in AoE1 right now.
But I could see them add some of the things you listed.
Elite Slingers or Heavy Camel Riders make a lot of sense.


I’m hoping for some new content to enhance the gameplay on the gaps the game has since the classic version, but not too much for de-characterize it.

Since the DE version was launched I expect for:

  • Gates.
  • Flare.
  • A Caravan unit for land commerce (that could be trained on the never implemented Trade Workshop).
  • A basic Line Formation, at minimum (that should be a tech researched on the Government Center, like “Battle Formation”, since the units moving as messy war bands on the Stone and Tool ages makes sense).

I never wanted it to be transformed on Age II, but to be a better Age I.

Some pretty cool eye candy that I’m also expecting are unique Wonder models for each civ, unique UI, and snowy terrain (this one would fit perfectly on the Crossing the Alps campaign scenario).

Lastly, I dream for an expansion pack adding Gauls, Britons, Iberians and the Germanic Tribes for Rome to have it’s enemies finally properly characterized. Another expansion adding more asiatic civs like the Mauryans and the Xiongnu would be awsome as well!


I want the same. But the AoE2 engine already offers all of those things.

Just because it is in the AoE2 engine doesn’t mean it will have AoE2 gameplay.
I don’t want castles either.