AOE2 and the freedom to have an opinion

Hello everyone,
I have been a great fan of AOE2 for two decades, I bought every DLC until the ´´campaign´´-not really DLC. I am extremely dissapointed and I saw in Reddit there is a huge fanbase just defending the DLC non-stop to ´´support the game´´. I disagree and the arguments have been said above but I was wondering how they got so many positive comments in twitter and youtube, now here comes the truth: they block people who complain, I can prove it since I have been blocked without being rude or insulting anyone. Simply by giving my opinion and saying the prize is crazy etc, they may disagree but c´mon what a way to treat fans¡
I dont know if any member of AOE will read me, but listening to the community-Everyone, not just those who agree with whatever you give them, should be a must if you want to show your ´´values´´ as a company.
I personally feel much better talking here and just hoping the Studio realizes the mistake by changing the price or adding real content, new campaigns-even if they raise the price.


One would think that a community of “strategy gamers” would be smart, but no. It seems the majority of us are dumb consoomers that praise whatever slop is thrown our way. Free content for the price of a full DLC? Yes please!

On a more serious note, I’d like to understand WHY that is. Why would people tolerate this?


So I put a very similar post onto FB AoE2 community group that I posted here announcing the petition. An admin saw it, asked if I was serious or if it was a **** post. I clarified that I was “Honest to God serious”.

Seconds later the post was taken down.

The following is a screenshot of our conversation.

As far as I can tell the reason for the removal, was that they disagreed with it.

So in response to the implied question of the topic, it seems the freedom to have an opinion, in at least certain parts of the fandom, holds so long as your view does not dissent from that of those in charge.

Another regrettable episode for this community.


Was that the Age of Empires II Community - English group? I’m not currently on FB (my account is deactivated, so I still have Messenger), but I used to be active on that group. There was an admin or mod in that group who tried to humiliate me when I pointed out the ahistoricity of the Thirisadai. He used a website that blatantly copied the fraudulent Wikipedia article, and I pointed that out, but it wasn’t enough. I guess that group isn’t run very well.


Yes actually. Wow, I mostly posted to complain, but yeah I wasn’t expecting other stories like mine. Yeah after reading your story I left the group. One bad admin making one bad decision one time is one thing, but if this is a group that will repeatedly censor dissenting views, I don’t think it’s a group that fits my values very well, and I’d more gainfully interact with the wider community elsewhere.


To be clear, he didn’t censor my post, but he did mock and discount it, which is not very appropriate admin behavior. I would never do something like that on the official wiki, which I am an admin of. I stepped down as an admin of the group in question specifically because I didn’t handle people’s reactions to one of my posts involving a controversial figure very well. I did that because leaders are supposed to be held to higher standards and should not stoop to the level of commoners’ behavior.


Well, my post about the petition was taken down. So I guess dissent is not welcome here either.

If you made one on the forums, that may be because “petitions” per se are explicitly forbidden by the Code of Conduct.

Although that kind of just seems to be a branding issue, i.e. I’ve seen a thread deleted for no other reason than that the OP renamed it to include the word “petition” in the title, and posts that don’t explicitly use the word “petition” seem to fly under the radar.


i see. Thx