For those interested, I developed this overlay to display build orders (29 already included from Hera’s pdf and YouTube videos) and match data (player Elo, rank, win rate…) while playing.
The tool is easy to use. Just download the zip and run the executable in it (you do not need to launch the game to run the app). Instructions are provided in this video and in the Readme.
The build order overlay is purely manual and basically provides the same features as a pdf reader or post-its on the screens. It shows the build order in a more compact format (one step at a time) and is well suited when playing without a second screen. It is also transparent to mouse clicks, so that it does not interfere with your game. You can use the pre-installed build orders or design your own. It is super easy, as you can see on the video.
I recently saw this other tool which uses machine learning to analyze the screen and automatically select the best build order step (you can use it instead if you want something automatic).
For match data (fetched from, there are already other tools providing similar information. The purpose here is simply to have both (build orders and match data) in a single tool.
I downloaded your app and I wanted to put a BO in the list.
I did copy/past an existing one as my base and change its name.
The problem is I can’t find my new BO with the name I gave him in the overlay list.
What am I missing ?
My main guess is that you copied the file and updated the file name, but not the name in the “name” field inside the file. This name is used to distinguish between different BOs.
Here are a few additional tips to help you:
Which version are you using (look in version.json)? The place where the BOs are saved changed in update 1.4.0. I would advise you to use the last version by clicking on DOWNLOAD HERE in RTS_Overlay.
You can run aoe2_overlay_console_output.exe, which provides the same overlay, but also adds a console which will print some warnings (potentially about wrong BOs).
There is a button to add new BOs (look for the feather). It will check if the BO is valid.
In the near future, the BO website will allow you to download any BO in correct format for the overlay.
If you only copy paste a BO, you must click on “reload” (or relaunch the app) so that it can be discovered.
If you specify a civ in your BO, it will only appear if you select the corresponding civ.
I wrote the BO in the notepad app. Do I need to write it using another software ?
It works in the notepad, but using a code editor makes it easier to detect wrong JSON formats (they will tell you why the JSON format is not correct). On my side, I use Visual Studio Code.
Here are a few attention points:
Be sure to use conventional " signs.
The note elements must be separated by a comma.
Pictures should be surrounded by @ (you can use ``` on the forum to avoid this issue).
stable/Scout_aoe2DE.png to replace by @stable/Scoutcavalry_aoe2DE.png@.
Here is the corrected version:
"name": "malians 18 pop scouts",
"civilization": "Malians",
"author": "Morley",
"source": "Morley YT Channel",
"build_order": [
"villager_count": 18,
"age": 1,
"resources": {
"wood": 2,
"food": 15,
"gold": 0,
"stone": 0
"notes": [
"+6 @resource/MaleVillDE.jpg@ to @animal/Sheep_aoe2DE.png@.",
"+1 @resource/MaleVillDE.jpg@ to lure @animal/Boar_aoe2DE.png@.",
"+2 @resource/MaleVillDE.jpg@ to @resource/Aoe2de_wood.png@.",
"push 3 @animal/Deer_aoe2DE.png@.",
"+1 @resource/MaleVillDE.jpg@ to lure the 2nd @animal/Boar_aoe2DE.png@.",
"+5 @resource/MaleVillDE.jpg@ to @resource/Aoe2de_food.png@.",
"+2 @resource/MaleVillDE.jpg@ to @resource/BerryBushDE.png@.",
"Research @town_center/LoomDE.png@, then click up to @age/FeudalAgeIconDE.png@.",
"+ 1 @barracks/Barracks_aoe2DE.png@.",
"6 @resource/MaleVillDE.jpg@ from @resource/Aoe2de_food.png@. to @resource/Aoe2de_wood.png@."
"villager_count": 22,
"age": 2,
"resources": {
"wood": 8,
"food": 13,
"gold": 0,
"stone": 0
"notes": [
"Research @lumber_camp/DoubleBitAxe_aoe2DE.png@.",
"+4 @resource/MaleVillDE.jpg@ to @resource/BerryBushDE.png@.",
"+1 @stable/Stable_aoe2DE.png@ and +3/4 @stable/Scoutcavalry_aoe2DE.png@.",
"@resource/MaleVillDE.jpg@ from @animal/Sheep_aoe2DE.png@ to @mill/FarmDE.png@."
The most likely reason is that your antivirus does not like downloading zip packages with exe in it, and prevents you from using it (due to false positive).
You are not the first one to encounter this issue.
There are 3 solutions:
Add an exception to your antivirus
Run the project from source (python). It is not difficult, even without python knowledge. Info here.
I am finishing the version 2.0.0 of the overlay, which can be used as a web-based app. This is specifically done to avoid installation issues like the one you encountered. You can already test it at