AOE3 lacks a lot of historical campaigns

I think AOE3 DE is good enough in skirmishes, but it lacks a lot of historical campaigns. Just like American War of Independence、Napoleonic Wars、Wanli battle(Chinese ming dynasty +Krea VS Japan) etc.


All Historical Maps added in KotM DLC are actually perfect candidates for AoE 3 Campaigns:

  1. The Thirty Years’ War
  2. The Italian Wars
  3. The Eighty Years’ War
  4. The Deluge
  5. The Great Turkish War
  6. The Great Northern War
  7. The Napoleonic Wars
  8. The Russo-Turkish Wars

I would add to this list:

  1. Hussite Wars
  2. Fall of Constantinople
  3. Burgundian Wars
  4. Seven Years’ War (1756–1763)
  5. Swedish War of Liberation (1521–1523)
  6. Muscovite–Lithuanian Wars
  7. Russo-Kazan Wars
  8. Dutch–Portuguese War (1598–1663)
  9. Wars of the Three Kingdoms (British Civil Wars)
  10. Franco-Dutch War (1672–1678)
  11. War of the Spanish Succession
  12. Silesian Wars
  13. American Revolutionary War
  14. French Revolutionary Wars
  15. Caucasian War
  16. Austro-Prussian War
  17. Franco-Prussian War
  18. First Sino-Japanese War
  19. Boxer Rebellion

All these wars would have huge potential for Campaigns - of course, you could combine some of them in a coherent way into one Campaign telling the fate of some character.


Nice!I don’t know why AOE3 has so few historical campaigns.


It’s a mystery. The original devs really shot themselves in the foot by going with fantastical campaigns (maybe they weren’t quite over AOM at the time).

I’m hoping the upcoming DLC will bring at least 1 proper historical campaign, with a few scenarios to accompany.


As they seem to have no interest in further promoting the competitive scene of the game, I don’t know why they don’t in turn make more pve contents. That is a vacuum AOE3 can take over.

AOE2 is running out of interesting campaign settings that they start selling Genghis Khan ver 2, siege of Constantinople x2, or the lives of every single Viking warlord. While there is no major RTS that covers important early modern events at all.

I may be biased, but I don’t think an average history fan who enjoy historical campaigns would find “some Viking warlord” more interesting than Napoleon, US Civil War, Siege of Vienna, or a proper portrayal of the American Revolution, Bolivar and Sengoku Japan. There are diehard fans of certain narrower topics of course but these are always relatively a minority. You don’t have to horde AOE3 pvp players or other pvp players to AOE3, but attract those who like playing campaigns and hadn’t given AOE3 a try because it lacked such contents.

If AOE3 can sell itself as “THE early modern history game” (there are only smaller companies who did it and I believe AOE backed by its own reputation and MS can definitely do much better), it doesn’t have to head-on compete in the already very saturated (and small) RTS competitive pvp market (somewhat saturated by MS itself). But the management of the series seems to be so obsessed with that. The update plans still stuck to that direction. So AOE3 sits in this weird situation of getting the least SP contents as if it is a pvp game, while also getting the least pvp support “because it does not have a big esports scene” (and let’s not forget WE did literally nothing to help with that).


Yes to all of these things, throw in some african campaign too for those civs, plz and ty


Several conflicts appear in the Ice campaign (Seven Years’ War) (although in reality it is the French and Indian War) and Fire (the American Revolutionary War) (literally you have from Bunker Hill to Yorktown)… then the rest will now be included as historical maps in the Baltic DLC of Poland and Denmark…

Yes, it was for development reasons, Ensemble Studios was tired of historical campaigns so seeing the good reception that the AoM campaigns received, they wanted to do something similar for AoE 3 by making more fictionalized campaigns with some historical moments (the siege of Malta in Blood, the Seven Years’ War in Ice and the Bolivar campaign in Steel)… then since people didn’t like it, they came back with historical campaigns in The Warchiefs (American Revolution and Wars against Red Cloud) and The Asian Dynasties (unification of Japan and Sepoy rebellion, the Chinese campaign is fictional after half of it) and already in the DE, the devs preferred to focus on historical battles and historical maps, although I don’t rule out that with AoM Retold they will gather experience with the scenario editor to make campaigns for both games…

Those were already workshop scenarios and the DLC was simply to thank one of the devs… I didn’t even buy the DLC and simply played the workshop versions, which were already translated into Spanish by one of the players…

Sure, that’s true… the devs don’t know what to do with the game, make it more PVP or focus on campaigns even if they don’t have that many players…

Yes, one of the admins just launched a Swedish campaign for Gustavus Adolphus and Carolux Rex and it looks awesome…

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How about the adventures of Sidney Smith, A British Naval officer who often took diplomatic postings and generally annoyed Napoleon Bonepart by always getting in his way.

It would be a great project since he worked with/for the British, Swedish, Ottoman, and even helped out some anti-bonepart french. Meaning any campaign would not be stuck with one civilization.


I don’t know if people have noticed but the “campaigns” of AOE3 werw renamed to “story mode” in DE (because they weren’t real campaigns of course). This is a good chance to break away from the previous campaign formula and re-define “campaign” for AOE3:

  1. It does not need to have a full fictional storyline
  2. It does not need animated cutscenes. I can personally do with ppts like in AOE2 or AOE4 sultan campaign.
  3. Even the length can be shorter, considering making campaigns are expensive.
  4. No need to worry about overlaps with previous campaigns

So I think a good form would be biographical mini-campaigns like AOE2 ones but could be shorter. Each has 3~4 scenarios centered on one important historical figure.
Historical battles are nice but a series of campaigns may make players more attached to the character and the story.

Some good candidates:
Most current civ leaders
Oda Nobunaga
Albrecht von Wallenstein
Yongle Emperor of Ming
Zhenghe’s voyage (the real one, not the one that goes to Americas)


Yes, they called it story mode because it already includes campaigns (acts)…and I don’t think they will make more campaigns (I hope I’m wrong) but many historical battles or historical maps to represent various events…with KotM they already represented the most important European conflicts of the 16th, 17th and 19th centuries, with the Baltic DLC they are going to complete the other European conflicts of the 18th and mid-19th centuries…