AOE3 lacks a lot of historical campaigns

Several conflicts appear in the Ice campaign (Seven Years’ War) (although in reality it is the French and Indian War) and Fire (the American Revolutionary War) (literally you have from Bunker Hill to Yorktown)… then the rest will now be included as historical maps in the Baltic DLC of Poland and Denmark…

Yes, it was for development reasons, Ensemble Studios was tired of historical campaigns so seeing the good reception that the AoM campaigns received, they wanted to do something similar for AoE 3 by making more fictionalized campaigns with some historical moments (the siege of Malta in Blood, the Seven Years’ War in Ice and the Bolivar campaign in Steel)… then since people didn’t like it, they came back with historical campaigns in The Warchiefs (American Revolution and Wars against Red Cloud) and The Asian Dynasties (unification of Japan and Sepoy rebellion, the Chinese campaign is fictional after half of it) and already in the DE, the devs preferred to focus on historical battles and historical maps, although I don’t rule out that with AoM Retold they will gather experience with the scenario editor to make campaigns for both games…

Those were already workshop scenarios and the DLC was simply to thank one of the devs… I didn’t even buy the DLC and simply played the workshop versions, which were already translated into Spanish by one of the players…

Sure, that’s true… the devs don’t know what to do with the game, make it more PVP or focus on campaigns even if they don’t have that many players…

Yes, one of the admins just launched a Swedish campaign for Gustavus Adolphus and Carolux Rex and it looks awesome…

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