AoE4 is less interesting than AoE2 because its units lack ‘coolness’ and ‘personality’

coh2 had a store to buy commanders, that is, it was pay to win, and he did not die, bye

True, you’re right… It happens that I have only played the DLCS missions and I have not given much ball to the store xd…

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Each user defends or criticizes, with respect, what he/she deems appropriate and no one is the one to disrespect him/her in this forum. I hope that it has been clear.

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Here many have criticized the game for months and have hardly played (or have not played) and that is as valid as those people who defend it without having played, but as a spectator.

I’m going to repeat it: Please, moderate your comments and avoid personal criticism or inappropriate comments or action will be taken.

bs dude, he is a modder of relic games and prolly understands more of aoe4 than you do lmfao, btw as far as i know you neither play aoe4 (btw criticizing the game even before launch lmfaooo), keep trolling


Bringing this thread back to its topic;

Death animations are something that really matters, in my opinion. Repeatable, satisfying, they burn into your memory as part of the overall experience and will stick with you for many years as a vague feeling of nolstalgia upon encountering something similar.

A dragoon turning into goo is always satisfying.


And so is seeing a Trebuchet fall apart into pieces.

I think we do have some nice ones in AOE4. Love seeing the Elephant flop to its side with the guys falling over. Camel ones are cool too. And most of them don’t feel intrusive, and maintain an appropriate amount of “noise”.

Siege Engines is where I feel they are lacking. As far as I can tell, the decision to make them all explode is a shortcut. With human infantry units, they share their death animations through the use of a human rig and so, can reuse animations through it. Differently modelled and rigged Siege units though? You’d have to have individual animations for each one of them. So bypassing any animation and models, and going for some wooden effect is much less time consuming.

It is somewhat of a bummer, since these are meant to be “special” and expensive units. The explosion of wood doesn’t entirely feel appropriate or all that interesting. This is unlikely to change now, but I would say this contributes to the feeling of units that you gain access to later into the game, feeling mundane and kind of boring.


Sadly, AOE4 doesn’t want any gore, they want it clean, and that makes this Medieval game boring.
No blood, no bones, no skeletons, etc, dead units disappear too fast. And because of that, there is no scenery for any battle…

I love Warcraft, and AOE2 animations, they have it all.
And that is one of the reasons why it was and still so successful.


aoe 3 solved that one by making aoe 3 units fly away when hit by heavy artillery and the exp number. no blood but gives the satisfaction of overwhelming opponent army.


Sadly these do not sell…so very unlikely anyone would take care of these anymore after the release. This is the modern gaming industry. You have to pray some details you want were planned and made before the first release.

Only when they make something like “blood and gore pack” which is even a more shitty marketing strategy.

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fondly recalls making basketball scenarios trying to shoot as many muskets into a pit with great bombard as possible


build icons

The flat icons in AOE4 are completely the same and this is bad for the user experience, and it has always had problems in this regard especially the build icons).:hammer_and_pick:

Also, the icons are the same for all civilizations, and this makes the game monotonous.:broken_heart:


Maybe it because for tecnical issues…

Technical issues = lack of ability and interest from devs, even censorship in markets that dont want blood

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building falling apart is matter.
Prerendered aoe2 animations SOOOOO much better when “simulation” of aoe4.

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Yea, the modern gaming industry is just focusing on the surface, they have no idea about the majority of players’ real satisfaction. Dota2 did it well, it has all cool animations, perhaps they do it because it is free to play game, so players won’t leave the game and it is just better 100x times when it comes to animations.

Mostly it is the government regulation in many European countries.

Yes, the same AoE have no blood since AoM…

there are blood particles when projectiles land a hit in AOM and AOE3, i think AOE online doesn’t have any tho

Are you sure?.. I’ve played AoM and AoE 3 and I’ve never seen blood in those games because of the performance issue…

AOM obviously. It even has corpse and a very crude decay animation.
AOE3 has blood when units got hit.