AoE4 needs legacy Hotkeys, otherwise it will be difficult for many players from other games to enter

What else can you do when you can only speculate about dev intentions since there is absolutely no communication about current design, future plans, roadmap etc.

Maybe this is them trying to let us feel nostalgic when there was no dev interaction 20 years ago :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yeah, they seem to be extremely arrogant and out of touch at this point. Sad.
They’ve had 15 years to modify their engine enough to allow fully customizable hotkeys (which isn’t really all that much engine related to begin with. Just bad design).

Next they will give download link to AutoHotkey

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get used to zoom.

dont mess with good thing.

Genius quotes from developers Aoe4


ItS jUsT lIkE iN oUr PreViOuS gAmEs

:clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

Do we have a hotkey to “go to” a certain building? (IE blacksmith, monastery, etc)
THAT’S what is missing!

I’m finding that I cant go between games with different hotkey setups with out my fingers doing the wrong command
so it’s AoE only, or SC2/AoE2.

This is such a fumble.

Yes I bought it. Will I play it? Competitively? hotkeys will determine that. I guess they got my money so

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I saw this reference on reddit and I was very happy that they have these two topics as a priority.
at 22:28. Thanks, Devs! :smiley:

“Hotkeys & Global Production Queue are top priority”


Before I couldn’t play without the “Go to building” shortcuts, then I forced myself to put pretty much everything into control groups, it was the best thing I did as a player, now I have much more control over every macro. But I understand who still prefers that kind of hotkey, I already did, but today, although I’m mainly an AoE2 player, I really like to play similarly to Sc2, especially when I have frontline builds. It’s so much easier the mental scheme of “produce villagers and my main military” basically only requires two CGs, one for the TCs and one for the military, it’s even easier now in AoE4 which allows you to cycle within the same group. But I understand it’s a personal matter, and it would be really nice to have options that cater to everyone.

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Yes, it definitely depends on everyone. I play SC2 too, and I hate the fact that I don’t have “Go To Building” hotkeys and I have to make Ctrl Groups for buildings each time or Camera Shortcuts which are even harder to reach. It really comes in the way of me enjoying the game more. For me “Go To Building” shortcuts are better than any other options and are extremely important. There will be exceptions where I put some forward production buildings into a Ctrl Group in AoE, but for most of the many buildings out there it’s “Go To”. I don’t want to use a Ctrl Groups for something like a blacksmith or lumber camp just to click upgrades, it doesn’t make any sense to me and it becomes a headache, they need to be on a specific shortcut already all the time.

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Thanks Cienlo.
I kinda thought that AoE4 and some of it’s “issues” might just be fixed/altered/adjusted by the time the Xpac came out (like AoC when it fixed so many issues and added more options to AoK).

Seems we’re all on the same page though.

Just to be clear, I dont mind learning new hotkeys, but the problem is that when going back to my staples (AoE2 and SC2 for example), I’m all jammed up. It’s so much easier and enjoyable if I only have a few adjustments between games.
It doesnt help that the blacksmith looks like every other building, and I cant differentiate it.
Initially in the first beta (closed), I hotkeyed my starting TC and then built the blacksmith right there lol.
Definitely a workaround, but not conducive to competitive play.

And then when I played the mongols and started moving buildings, it was definitely tough.

Glad the devs are making hotkeys
“a top priority”!
I dont regret supporting the team by pre purchasing, and I dont want to spam threads like so many posters are doing (as if yelling the same thing in many different threads accomplishes much), but I do appreciate the intelligent posters and their well stated opinions in this thread.


I better be able to set my mouse as hotkeys

I thought you weren’t getting the game anyway because of the zoom level?

i said im not BUYING the game,

i already have xbox gamepass though so I’ll be able to play it no problem :wink:

listen you gotta speak to the developers in the only language they understand

I don’t think you could possibly be more wrong in that statement. It’s not like they’re programmed to only listen to hate. I used to develop games as a hobby, and trust me, my team and I weren’t going to even listen to that shite. It’s common sense to get feedback and work on it, not listen to threats of someone not buying something.

A single person trailing off over and over again isn’t going to make a difference to a dev team. They’ll listen to the actual criticism, not vague lines about zoom level.

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