Aom retold beta

To answer your first question, the beta this weekend is for everyone that has a Premium edition pre-order regardless of platform it will be available on Steam and Microsoft Store as well as the Xbox Series consoles. The Stress Test mentioned in the announcement however only mentions Steam Users directly.

It includes everyone who preordered the Premium Edition (or Premium Upgrade if you already preordered the Standard Edition), so everyone on Steam, Windows Store and Xbox Consoles.

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Guys, 2 questions:

  1. Can i stream or record videos during this beta test?
  2. Where do i need to report bugs and issues, in this topic, or create another one?

Hay, welcome to the forums

  1. Yes this is an " open " beta. you can share and stream as much as you want.
  2. ✨Age of Mythology: Retold Beta - Age of Empires Forum
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What happen tomorrow? The beta disappear or is useless?

Will there be another beta tests? :slight_smile:

Yes , atleast 1 more

May I ask if there is an approximate time frame?

Sorry, i cant name a timeframe, but keep an eye out for the :loudspeaker: News & Announcements section, OR join the Discord for the latest informations when they arrive ! Age of Empires

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