Aom retold beta

Hi! I am wondering if there will be any close beta for aom retold if it will be how can we enter the close beta. I entered the early close beta of AOE 4. I am willing to enter for aom as well.


I also wonder this topic,I want to participate beta version of AoM Retold.


Me too;ļ¼ŒSo do Iļ¼ŒUnable to wait for testing time

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Iā€™ve havenā€™t seen anything about one but hopefully they do a closed beta. Usually they do them a few months before release I believe, so maybe late summer.

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Any material or information regarding this is welcome.

hey we can join aom retold beta ?

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If you watch the main reveal showcase frame by frame there is a section where they are showing the screens of the devs that are working on the game. In one of the shots there is a very short glimpse of a steam page that says Age of Mythology: Retold BETA.

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Yes, because the devs themselves seem to use steam as repo , to share it between each other.
Many games have repos where devs share their work with the others ^^

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There are some players which we can see that have been playing AoM Beta for more than 150 hours already. But surely they are only a really small group helping on the development.
Canā€™t wait for some news. Hate how they do not give us not even some new images of units, buildings, maps, scenarios, etcā€¦ =(


I concur sir. Been waiting for YEARS!


How can i apply for beta?

No beta has been announced yet.


Me too. I was join Return Of Rome and AOE4 betas. İf there is a beta for AOEM ı want to join them.

Hello, are the age insiders, eligible to be part of the upcoming beta? Or just who preorder the premium edition?

Just for people who pre-ordered. You donā€™t have to be an insider for this beta.

What a shame! They are adocting EA/UBISOFT politcs to earn more moneyā€¦Betas excā€¦were always for insiders/beta tester too

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My main problem is only 8 hours remain but they didnā€™t even let us predownload through the steam. I donā€™t know about the other platforms btw whether they let the players predownload it or not. However on steam they didnā€™t open for predownload and we will waste our limited time for download the and not for play the gameā€¦

Just jumping in here to say; there will be a future Stress Test available to everyone (regardless of pre-order status) through Steam at a later date (as was confirmed in the closed beta announcement).

If this was going to be the only test period I would have more issues with it being tied to pre-order of the Premium Edition but it wonā€™t be. Fact remains, it is one way to get a sample group and I bet a lot of the players that have pre-ordered Premium are players that at least except to play the game for sometime and have familiarity with the original game as well.

So correct me if i am wrong. this test is for only windows users and it doesnā€™t include the players who pre-ordered the premium edition through the steam? Furthermore, they didnā€™t even state that this is going to be only for the windows users. On the contrary, they said that this stress for everyone who bought the premium version of the game.

It makes no sense because they stated in their news that this test for anyone who bought the premium edition of the game.