are there any news or plan in the future on collectors edition, beng avalible for pre-order?
It doesn’t seem like it…although an collector edition with one Titan Cerberus statue would be incredible…
I have asked since before Age of Empires: DE was released for a collectors edition of the definitive editions and Age of Empires IV and they’ve never done it. The companion book for Age of Empires IV is the closest thing we got. Maybe someday.
That would be super awesome if they ever do that
Let’s hope that MS would at least consider it for future game releases for AOE/AOM
Yes, in AoE 3 they did the same in its collector version; from that book that brought the image of modern AoE 4 and futuristic AoE 5 (which would have come out in the 2010s)…
how i hoped we would get a CE for AoMRetold… i also think the naming of the current editions weird.
i would have called one current edition “starter or basic pack” and the other one “ultimate experience pack”. but i really hoped we would see a CE with a small statue with either:
- Medusa and a petriefied hoplite or minotaur
- a colossus and a temple
- arkantos and poseidon statue fighting
- arkantos, amanra and reginleif
- a statue of athena framed by old greek beams
- or as already mentioned cerberus standing on its gate barking
maybe if the sales do well and we have multiple DLCs they do an GOTY or gold/mythical edition and add some goodies? i still hope so ^^