AoM Retold Whishlist

as many of you i have been quite exited about the new AoM retold. it got me thinking about things they could add to the game. here are my ideas.

  1. add shallows. (terrain witch both sea and land units can walk over)
    shallows where present in the previous age of empires games but are strangely absent for AoM. right now making rivers in your maps makes it hard to navigate for land units, so i ended up not adding them at all. you may have seen units walk in shallow water. but there is do depth in witch units and ships can move. hope it gets added in retold.

  2. allied victory. (a checkbox that players can turn on. if every remaining player has it on the game ends)
    the popular diplomacy game mode of age of empires 2 is unplayable in age of mythology. you can turn locked teams off. but the second all players are allied the game ends immediately. this gamemode has some serious potential in AoM because a larger percentage of the player base is a casual player. it gives them players a good chance to win if they talk to other players.

  3. turn on/off campaign hero revive mechanic in editor.
    the hero revive mechanic is either a boon or a burden when making custom scenarios. most of the time you only want it to be on or off, limiting the heroes you can use for your scenario.

  4. create custom units.
    you can modify units but creating your own would be so much better. example: you can choose witch model you use, if its a hero, if its revivable, what upgrades and stats it has. without changing the original unit. this way you can make your custom heroes. like a hero hoplite that has a champion upgrade leading a group of normal hoplites into battle.

5.units using god powers.
i imagine this like a warcraft 3 character. where selected characters have abilities you can use. a way they could add this in AoM is to allow us to add a building menu to militairy units, that when clicked allow you to use a god power in a range around the unit. this is probably my most far fetched hope, but would make for some crazy custom rpg maps.

  1. edit god power stats.
    almost forgot but at the moment you cant edit god powers. you can give charges but things like damage cool down and changing special effects are off the table. i once tried to make a dumb map where you could shock wave units into a goal. but the cool down was to high to make a game around it.

so what do you guys think? any ideas of your own?

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No free myth unit upon aging

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