Are we forgetting the fact that scores are no longer a thing?

Absolutely agree with those who want to get rid of the scores. I think it’s about time to finally remove them.

They’re exactly as you mentioned it, free intelligence on how your opponent is doing. Also it can often be a misleading index and lead you to wrong conclusions/decisions as it is impossible to quantify every parameter in a fight. Things like map control, pressure, psychology or a plan in your head that still hasn’t given material gains.

I see people resigning too often based solely on score which is wrong and shouldn’t be happening.

If there are any chess players in here they should be able to recognise how problematic the concept of showing scores is.

When you analyse a game the engine gives you a score +/- after each move which shows which side is doing better.
Those scores however are not necessarily an absolute indication of who is doing better at that moment. The AI is just calculating a number of parameters with near perfect accuracy and depth of moves that human players can’t.

Humans are not engines, in the sense that they are fallible and with way more limited computational capabilities. They can’t calculate their eco or military scores while playing, they can make mistakes, be tricked, take irrational decisions or not assess the situation correctly even if their numbers are better.

Now imagine playing chess and being able to look at yours and your opponent’s scores after every move is made. How would that affect your decisions or your psychology? Your opponent may make a blunder that you don’t even see it but looking at the score you suddenly become aware of it.

It would completely ruin the game and deprive it from its creativity as players would just try to “please” the numbers instead of think of their own.

I think the case is very similar with AoE and the game would eventually benefit from such a change, even if people complained at first.

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