
Armenia(cavalry civilization)

  • Cavalry Armor upgrades are free.
  • Siege units deals +30% bonus damage
  • 2/3 Villagers spawn near newly-constructed Town Centers in the Castle Age/Imperial Age.
  • Castle Age研究"Heresy"與"Faith"能立即生產8名騎士,Imperial Age為12名騎士
    (抱歉 我不會翻譯這個 :sweat:

Unique units

Ayruzdi:Fast-attacking cavalry when in low HP

Unique technologies

Veteran Siege Engineers(Siege units fire more accurately at moving targets)
Karabakh horse(Knight line, Ayruzdi regenerate 15 HP per minute)

Team bonus

Trade unit are 20% cheaper

亞美尼亞 (騎兵文明)

  • 騎兵護甲升級免費
  • 攻城單位造成的額外傷害 +30%
  • 從城堡時代開始新建造的城鎮中心會產生2位村民,帝王時代為3位
  • 城堡時代研究異端邪說與忠誠信仰能立即生產8名騎士,帝王時代為12名騎士




老練工程師(Veteran Siege Engineers)(攻城武器對移動單位的命中率上升)
卡拉巴赫馬(Karabakh horse)(騎士、親王騎士每分鐘回15 HP)


貿易單位費用 -20%

  • 騎兵護甲升級免費

羅馬歷史學家 Sallustius Crispus 寫道,亞美尼亞人騎兵“以其馬匹和盔甲的美麗而著稱”

  • 從城堡時代開始新建造的城鎮中心會產生2位村民,帝王時代為3位


  • 城堡時代研發異端邪說與忠誠信仰能立即生產8名騎士,帝王時代為12名騎士


I’m not understanding the 8 or 12 knights at once feature. Honestly if the bonus was, get a free knight for every monastery tech that would be pretty neat but 8-12 at once is terrifying even at Heresy’s massive cost.

Also would love to see a tech tree.

Free cav armor is nice since it’s their only early bonus. It pulls weight hard if your starting scout survives and if you get to feudal before your enemy and catch his scout your victory is even more assured.

It’s fair because they have no other real eco bonus until Castle Age where they get an okay reward for booming with multiple TCs but it probably can’t compare to the exponential ability to run away with a shepherd or hunting or wood bonus available right from age 1 or 2

The free cav armour bonus is so strong that giving them a boom bonus seems too much to me.

並且擁有突襲的能力 但確實有點過分了

如果改成研究"Heresy"與"Faith"能立即生產8名免費騎士 其餘修道院科技生產1名
這樣如何? :thinking:

Archery Range: no Hand Cannoneer.
Barrack: no Plate Mail Armor.
Stable: no Camel.
Siege workshop: no Bombard Cannon.
Castle: full.
University: no Bombard Tower.
Monastery: no Illumination.
Economy: no Two-Man Saw.

Maybe it’s just me but this civs eco is like bottom tier until you build a TC. So to get an eco “advantage” it requires castle age and 275w100s. Even then it’s going to be hard to have had that strong an eco if a Meso or Brit gave you hyper early aggression and Chinese get these villagers right off the bat.

All in all I think this civ blooms too late to be a top tier in most tournament type maps. Even Bengali have better early game bonuses.

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The civ eco is bottom tier but the free armour powerspike is massive. I would say that this civ has a way better early game than Magyars and with a proper eco bonus its almost surely too good

如果增加"Monastery and Monk available in Feudal Age"
移除"Siege units deals +30% bonus damage"與UT合併
Veteran Siege Engineers
(Siege units deals +30% bonus damage. fire more accurately at moving targets)

我後來發現 Armenia 是第一個基督教國教國家

  • Monastery and Monk available in Feudal Age
  • get a free Light Cavalry for every monastery tech
    “Heresy” and “Faith” get 6 knights