Why isn’t attack move ignoring buildings?. The behavior that makes sense for non siege units is to ignore building unless right clicked. Current behavior of units getting magnet attracted to buildings and not participating in the fights is annoying to play and annoying to watch in tourneys.
Is there some pro level reason for this behavior or will they fix it in the future?
They did fix it iirc, now it will prioritize units so it will only cause them to attack buildings if there are no units nearby.
But which is the minimun stat to define “there are no units nearby”?
This happen to me recently:
- I had a lot of War Elephants, laying siege to the enemy base… but if the enemy units moved far enough away from them, they started attacking banal buildings, like lumber camps instead of the far away units.
I guess what needs to be adjusted is the minimum distance amount that the unit is programmed to ignore nearby units and attack buildings. In general I would say the minimum should be big, very big (10 or 15 spaces), and not the current value which cause this problem in certain units, usually range units, but also for elephants.
If they attempted to fix it, it most certainly didn’t work. It’s like OP said, units are strongly drawn to buildings even if units are closer.
Sure but previously if you used attack move in the middle of some farms it was a disaster and they’d attack all the farms, now that isn’t the case.
Yes…yes it is. At least in my recent experience.
Build move for villagers ignores buildings, so maybe it’s a balance
I lost count to how many times I tasked villagers to construct buildings only to find them standing in the middle of the building’s foundation waiting for my command
I have never experienced this villager problem. check your hotkeys maybe you have a keybind for Stop command for villagers. I only experience villagers going idle while gathering berries.
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