Auto-Scouting Discussion Thread [Official]

It is very simple to understand what this feature will do if you have been playing this game for years, the main ones that don’t care are those who don’t understand the importance of scouting. They don’t grasp that even just having random black spots explored for you is a huge thing that will change the outcome of games. Scouting is an apm heavy task and it requires out of the box thinking. Minimizing its importance is directly taking nuance out of the game.

Isn’t it ironic that we are being asked to “experiment with the feature”, while it is clear from the community managers gameplay that he himself has not even mastered the very basics of our beloved game?

How can I take any of this serious when all opinions of long time players are being put at equal level of casuals that say “I like it because it makes it easier, it takes away useless clicking. It won’t be better than manual scouting anyways…”

What matters is that you have broken a simple rule, that the game should not play itself.

This frustrates me beyond explanation. Agreeing to such a forced feature would mean throwing out much of what I have learned. By all means put it in as an option, but don’t make us use it.

@RadiatingBlade edit: Per the forum code of conduct do not discuss moderator actions in a public topic.


I just had an idea. Have the auto-scouting stop working once you advance to Feudal. I think it’s the solution.


It dont think it makes sense to punish someone for advancing to the next age. Also Dark age is the easiest part of the game where you have the most time to focus on scouting.

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you realize that post was flagged by community? and that its less because you disagree with and more because you were attacking the devs.

also no one is making you use it, manual scouting is still leagues better the auto scouting. however overall…get off the ‘abuse of power’ horse. you can dislike their decision without having to attack the devs.


I just stated simple facts. If this comes across as offensive then maybe it is because those facts are disturbing. I do admit that I am very passionate, which you have noticed.

It is not correct that posts are being hidden because they are unpopular, I assume that a mod made the final decision.

It’s interesting how your arguments just totally ignore the reasoning I have given above. Why would I not use it if my opponent uses it, and it can spare me a lot of apm in castle age? Why would I not use it if it has the potential to tilt the game in my favor?

By not making this feature optional, you are forcing players to use it to not be in a competitive disadvantage. Which means you are (again) minimizing an important aspect of the game just to make the game easier.

I’ve though this. I don’t mind if my opponent use it to find their sheep, but to locate relics and extra mines, well that too much. I like your idea

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Welp, the deal is that you can’t use auto scout for that. Welp, you can, but then expect to be disappointed. I did predict the auto scout would be super dumb but I didn’t expect that level of braindead.

Not bad idea. If your initial scout stays alive in late feudal / early castle age, auto scouting becomes more useful because you wont need to focus in black spots. I’ve actually used auto scouting in those stages of the game. For experienced players, its useless in early game.

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I really don’t understand the point of the auto-scout, what is next? Automatic villager creation when you have enough food button? Make archers priortize all other units over rams? We can keep going on and on where new players have difficulties with… Chewing everything up for them doesn’t make them better players.

It’s a game of skill and you are taking a huge part away of it with this.


have you tried the auto scout? it really isnt that strong… as so many others keep pointing out, it does some really stoopid things, suiciding so often

it helps for the initial game, and even then sometimes it fails, and then later game can be useful but can fail so hard as well…

People fear the slipperly slope sometimes … but it may be a good idea to remember that nobody has slid down a slipperly slope in this game yet.

People worry “Where will it end?” but so far it hasn’t gone too far. I don’t think the devs will take quality of life features too far. They haven’t done it yet and I don’t think they will. I think they’re finding the sweet spots.

When I say that I don’t think they’ll ever take it too far, by the way, I don’t mean not even temporarily. Perhaps someday a patch will come out that brings out a quality of life feature that is indeed taking things too far … (and, no, I don’t think auto-scouting already is that) … but I think that the devs, in that case, will (a) rectify that and (b) because there are monthly updates it would be 30 days like that at the very most. :slight_smile:


I mean, they could go a fair bit further. I always like how Warlords Battlecry RTS works. Now there was a fun little game.

Of course, that games combat mechanics were a bit more complex, while the economy was a bit simpler. So, the QoL features were almost a necessity.

This alone should ban it from ranked games when you consider that when watching the pros in mid-late game, they will often end up idling some of those surviving early military units for minutes at a time when their attention is away from them. Basically, if any pro makes it to the Castle age and is not using Light Cav (maybe 80% of the time if we’re being cautious about how often that happens) they will now get an upper hand as the scout has no reason to run into the enemy TC and it takes minimal attention to keep it from doing so.


Indeed this is my concern as well. Not using it for dark age exploration (when obviously is worse than human scouting) but as an advantage in mid to late game, when you’re focus on a lot of other things. I agree, this is why it should be ban in rated games, or even be an option in the lobby


I agree that the advantage auto-scouting gives in mid-game is very undesirable. What is more, there is a very weird randomness factor from the fact that only the starting scout can auto-scout. If in a feudal scout war one player loses his starting scout, the other a random new scout, it is ridiculous that the second player should now have an advantage.

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Well, with current state of affairs, I think it’s a good think. In mid to late game is where autoscouting is a real advange for every type of player, and not only noobs. So if you want that huge advantage, better take care of your scout (I’m still against auto scouting though)

Here’s an idea to balance this:
The auto scout button should have a timer - pressing it makes the scout go auto for 5 or 10 seconds and stop. That way the player still has to monitor the scout, but doesn’t have to micro manage too much. This should work for both low level and high level play.

if a pro even decides to use it and i dont mean on stream for the lolz. Like viper used it just for the stream and it ran around the corner and top of the map for so long and wasnt really doing anything for him and the finally went to enemy base and died. SOTL also showed a clip of it and it messed around in his corner too.

He doesnt see any pro using it because manual scouting is so much better and needed, its just something for casuals or campaign.

im going to trust his view over random forum rage.


If in a feudal scout war one player loses his starting scout, the other a random new scout, it is ridiculous that the second player should now have an advantage.
how is this different than if you lost it before and your opponent had there still? also you should be paying attention to your scout then.

As a player who is neither a pro nor full noob, I’d rather have it removed ASAP or restricted to SP games only.

It messes up with the fact that you have to manage both the vills (and TC) and the starting scout at the same time. I get that this is less accurate than manual scouting, but if you want to help new players, why not having a Scouting and vill managing tutorial in Art of War?

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