Auto-Scouting Discussion Thread [Official]

I think its because you don’t know how it will work until people actually try it out.

It would be like polling people on whether they prefer one of two dishes, but not allowing people a chance to see or try to the two dishes. What are you judging it on?

Yeah, it’s not the AQ thread. It’s just that the AQ thread and the AS conversation tends to blend sometimes when some people are comparing and contrasting them.

How do they blend in? One takes control out of the players hands when it comes to decision making while the other is just a decision made, writ large.

This feature is very abusive for games like Black Forest…

its always been worse to lose your starting scout? auto feature or not you lose your starting scout and that’s serious advantage your enemy has if they loose theres. now yes if you’re trying to use it mid to late game the starting scout has something the new ones cant do but seeing them in action I cant imagine anyone getting major use out of then then besides sheer luck.

This is ridicule and the first step to totally destroy the game

2 thoughts:

1 - . Scouting is (was) one a the most important skills within the game. This totally against the essence of the game.

2 - It is ludacris that in ranked games 2 people can play a totally different game(Autoscout on or off ). If this feature was implemented, should be an option (as allow cheat) in single player and unranked games.

I am not a good player and try not to use the feature to improve my own scouting. However, after I have found all my starting res, it would be dumb not to turn it on and get every bit of info I can. And I do not like that. I feel like in some games players get a boost for having scouted that extra gold in late-game, and they should. With auto-scouting, that element just is gone, which takes away some of the depth of the game

A huge thanks to everyone who took the time to play with the new feature and express their thoughts based on that experience! There is a ton of great discussion in this thread—both in regards to execution as well as the practicality of the feature—and some great ideas to pitch to the team. I’ve compiled everything up to this point and will be passing it along to the team!

Keep the conversation coming! Just remember to move beyond theory (if you haven’t already) so as to ensure that the foundation of your arguments are based on your experience.


Thanks for keep reading and paying attention to the forum.

Just for your information, there’s a lot of discussion about Teutons and Teutonic knights this days. You might want to check it out :slight_smile:

This video shows that the auto scout is far better than I thought. It doesn’t randomly move around, it methodically scouts black parts and avoids overlap. This feature doesn’t have a place in competitive play.

For anyone to think that this is acceptable on ladder… wow.


Wow, that’s even better than human scouting. Hope devs see it

Did it double back just to get that single black tile at the edge.

Multiple times…

Is that truly efficient? It just doubles back on areas that have zero value. It looks in corners, not enemy bases.

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Considering that it will leave you free to execute perfect BO, boar lures, not getting housed and no Idle TC time… I’m almost sure it is.

More efficient then setting way points? I mean, we have seen the scout in actual game play footage with Theviper. It can get trapped easily, it searches locations that aren’t important. It checks tiny black spots that can hold nothing of value.

I don’t think it is efficient at scout. It might be efficient at search black spots but that isn’t the same at all.

Thanks for replying. It seems there is a moderate out to cause a little mayhem with their authority. Not sure why, but it pains me to see it.

I’ve played like 10 games against AI.
First few games I tried the auto scouting from the start and I found my enemy at 14 minutes 11
Later I switched back to manually scouting my sheeps, boars and then i sent it to find my opponent. After all the important scouting was done, I send it to autoscouting so it could find extra gold, stone and relics around the map.
I’m on a noob/inter level and it’s nice to have just for scouting extra resources and relics.
I watch a lot of pro players and leaving the scout going random is a big no no, since they use it in early feudal, or even dark age protecting a villager walling the base, building a dock, camping a relic against a FC or pushing deer.
All in all, it’s a really nice addition and quality of life improvement for noobs like me that almost forget about scouting after hitting feudal age. I usually cope with my lack of scouting by building random outposts later in the game to find extra resources or relics


This video means nothing. Use it on a regular game and you’ll see how bad it is. It’s also bad in this video with the scout going to the edge of the map losing 50% of scouting efficiency.
In competitive matches you wanna push deer, find your huntables and extra resources, scout the enemy base and all of his resources and use it to fight or defend in early feudal. It’s only useful after all that is already manually done

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The video shows exactly how it behaves, this was unclear before. It was often thought that it moved ‘randomly’, which it clearly doesn’t.

Imagine this scenario: 2 players of equal skill that have idle time on the scout in castle age.

Player A: Idle scout.
Player B: Auto scout.

In this scenario player B has a huge benefit over the other, when he remembers to use his scout again he will have gained lots of info on the minimap without investing any apm. He will have found extra golds, stones, woodlines, relics ect.

If you use the auto scout in a smart way it will extend your abillities. The argument that you would be better of scouting manually at all times is unreasonable at lower elo levels, they can’t do it.

It’s only useful after all that is already manually done


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It’s not that efficient. Also it’s a post-imp LC, so it’s got huge line of sight( looks more impressive)

Welp, since auto scouting can’t sometimes even find your 4 additional sheeps, and will miss 2 most of the time, and fails to find all your boars in time, I would guess that it’s an excellent feature to train for playing against lamers.

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True, but just move it around town manually to find the most important stuff while your first 4-5 villies are created(which is the easiest part of handling the vill creation in the dark age.) then just turn auto-pilot on.

Idk, I just think letting an AI make decisions for you will always be… weird. Even if it’s not exactly optimal.