Babur Campaign scenario not progressing

Game Version:

  • Build: 101.103.2359.0(#133431) 17001014
  • Platform: Steam
  • Operating System: Windows 11


Campaign scenario not progressing.
Babur Campaign #03 Into India
(バーブル キャンペーン03 インドへ)

Reproduction Steps:

  1. Babur Campaign #03 Into India start.
  2. “Objectives have changed.” is displayed.
    but, “GoldStolen/GoldTotal gold accumulated.” is not displayed. (ATTACHMENTS 333)
  3. The game will not be cleared even if the opposing team is defeated.


I used a translation tool. Thank you.

It’s the same bug.

yes, I met the same problem.

  • Platform: Steam
  • Operating System: Windows 11
    • language: Chinese Simple