Balance Changes to consider for when the DLC goes live

Logistica doesn’t seem a tech for TGs or 1v1 exclusively…

Anyway, if you make those tech more accessible, you get more resources for the units, and in general you also need less of them.

Probably a good way to make the tech more fair and still unique. Hope it would be one of the big change for the next patch. The tech should be still reasonably hard to research tho, cause it give you a clear strategic advantage.

I don’t know if you mean it, but I think the option of turning your vils into FM should only concern existing vils on the moment you research the tech.
If it also apply to the one you create afterwards, the civ will be just unraidable for the rest of the game as long as you have gold (hey relics and Burgundians farmers), and creating new Flemish Militias from TCs would be useless.

T-west once said that fire ships have an accuracy of 0. They will never hit the intended target so if there’s anything in between, like the dock or a piece of wall, the fire can’t go through and will hit the obstacle with 1/2 of the damage.
Accuracy 0 can still, although sounding controversial, hit the intended target accidentally and won’t suffer from 1/2 reduction.

If you want to counter Teutons with Goths - throw in Hand Cannoneers for anti infantry alongside the usual spam

Goths are literally permacountered by Teutons.
Teutons have:

  • better eco
  • better infantry
  • better siege

Goths would be dead so fast they could not even think about hc

Depends on the goth player - played right Goths counter Teutons - played right Teutons counter Goths - it will come down to skill of each player.

Just playing for the meme of goth spam isn’t enough. You have to know the civ well and use all of its strengths.

Goths have both offensive and defensive play available to them.

this would be broken i believe.

i agree but then goths need to be nerfed in another way .
other then those above best proposal i ever meet in this forum :slight_smile:

No dude, Teutons vs Goths both on open and closed maps is always a civ win


and I’m referring to open maps like arabia

Teutons eco is 4 times better

Teutons’ eco is better, Teutons’ units are better, the whole match up is better for Teutons, especially on arabia

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depends on the player.

No. There’s no “if”.
Given two equally skilled players and given a match without lame the Teutons player should always win since they have all the counter to whatever plays the Goths player goes for and a better economy.

Civ wins exist, there’s no “depending on the player”

agree to disagree

I play Teutons, I’ve had both an easy time and a hard time against goths, it’s about how well they know the civ. While the Teutons do have a wood bonus - goths are able to keep up if they know how to boom correctly. They can perform the same boom I do with Teutons.

you also are barely breaking 1k ELO, per your own admission.

look at that. Teutons highest winrate at all elos is goths. 56.91%.

however they do win - regardless of elo it depends on how well they know the civ - and that’s looking like 40 some % or 10-20% if we’re being nitpicky

we’re not saying the civ automatically counters Teutons, we’re saying that given the proper know-how - Goths can counter Teutons

but see, it gets even worse. when i narrow it down to 1k to 1250, which is right about where you are at, the winrate vs goths goes up to 61.36%.
which means, as was said earlier, that between two roughly equally skilled players, the teutons player has the advantage against the goths player by over a 3 to 2 ratio.

assuming your opponent is an idiot, yes. but if you got two roughly equal skilled players, the teutons player is just going to slaughter them.
it’s like mayans vs goths.
could in theory the mayans player win? yes. but the goths player has huge advantages.

it drops because the skill gap gets higher and it weeds out the ones who can or can’t properly play goths in any given situation

given that some people just play random and hit up goths, it will drop when they don’t main the civ

so what your saying is “if the goths player has a skill advantage, he will win vs teutons”.
thanks for agreeing with us.

not a skill advantage over the other player - simply skill in how to operate the civ as a whole.