Balance suggestion for Tatars & Saracens

I had a post about the Japanese too, i think you must see it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

You are the one who started with stats, so why are you disregarding them now that you realize they don’t align ? Stats clearly show Saracens do not need a buff, and they are picked at pro play. Besides the +3 attack against buildings is a gimmick that makes them unrealistic and annoying to play against imo. I would much rather buff something else. And yes Portuguese, Turks, Koreans are terrible civs, much worse than Saracens.


Yeah this why i suggested that they should buff the Saracens in the light cav line, the Arabian horse is the strongest, fastest and best horse in the world, so because it is a unique and feature for Arabs in the real history then they should give them this feature in the game instead of being naval civ!!! And for the picking, did you see the Saracens picked in KOTD3?! NO, and you will not see them even in the ranked game after the change in Arabia, the Saracens feature shine only in castle and imperial so they are not a common civ in open maps like arabia from now on.

And until now i wonder how the people make the portuguese and the bulgarians as weak civ!!! They have a great buffs and features

Yeah but it will not be a problem if they give them a light cav or scout bonus, since they have a great real feature which is the Arabian horse.

It cant be broken because its historically accurate ? Really ?

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So you are saying if we give their light cav a buff they will be broken?! No this will not effect the balance or at least make the Mameluke more able to use because with it’s 85 gold no one will use them except in the late imperial

If you remove their siege archers entirely. The devs decided to make them a fully archer civ and agreed on not make them use their mamelukes ever again since they are weirdly designed anyhow.

In addition the free attack per age feels magyar and the faster speed is what we have with cumans already.

How tf do saracens need a buff? Most ppl dont use the market thats an easy explanation for the low winrate

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No question Saracens are a versatile & powerful 1v1 civ, capable of FC Archers as well as FC Knights.

In (pro) team games I only ever see them played as an archer civ.
Speaking as a spectator, I’d love it if they could take the same role as Indians. It would make the games more diverse.

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They need a military bonus kid, not eco bonus, especially the Mameluke, because with this stupid 85 gold cost you will never see them.

i think the only thing mamelukes need is a slit reduction in their attack frame rate aswell as maybe a reduction to camels that compensate them otherwise their fine

Not only pro games.
The bonus is really strong, you destroy military buildings and force the enemy to build new one. And of course you can destroy TC.

Saracens Camel dont have any advantage in castle age, that’s why no one use them. Imperial Age to switch into Camel is expensive and risky and depends on situation like as a counter to Paladins or elephants.

I would like to give Camels bonus damage to elephants, then Saracens Camel can use as a counter to Khmer.

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Sorryman, could not read further that.

Saracens archers are borderline op in castle age. And you obviously have no clue about Portuguese, because the “big buff” was only a 5% extra discount on gold.

From the list, those who need love the most are koreans and Portuguese. Saracens are fine


Glad to hear it’s also something that annoys players. I don’t really play team games, hence my reservation.

Indians use camels in Castle, but then they also have a strong Eco bonus. Maybe you’re right that the easiest way to make Saracen Camels usable without shaking the whole civ is to add a military bonus to Camels from Castle age onwards. Would something like +20 hp work, or would that get oppressive for other civs?

They already get +30 HP for Zealotry in Imp. Both would be too strong. It’s better to give them a bonus that is situational good.

wouldn’t +50 hp with Saracen eco would still be worse than Imp camel (+1 PA, +2 attack, +20 hp) with Indian eco?
It’s true Zealotry is cheaper than Imp Camel, but Indians can get a lot of food for Camel spam much more easily than Saracens.
What would you give? As I said, I’d like to see them as a pocket camels civ occasionally, so they have to match Indian camels.

They would be still slightly weaker than Imperial Camel that’s true. Then I would give them more bonus damage to Camel but not more HP. Otherwise they will be harder to counter. And Indians does not have something else. Saracens you can still play with amazing Arbalest.

i don’t know, if Cav Archers get buffed, Indians have a solid unit there.

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Saracens are very strong already. Maybe not such much on the very open arabia generations but, for instance, on the pre-patch arabia their fc xbows can be insane. Irrespective of that the forum has discussed the mameluke/camel problem quite a few times and a lot of people seemed to agree that zealotry could be cheaper to make these units more viable for saracens.

For Tartars, I’d just wait if their will be a buff/change to ca with the upcoming patch (which doesn’t seem unlikely since virtually everybody complains about them) and then see from there.