Ban Nomad forever?!?!?!?

You agree with me that it is part of the full RM experience journey, but you still want it to put it in a different queue?!

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Within ranked - yes.

Its pretty hard when all these other inferior maps infect the pool on a constant basis. Like for example Megarandom was not part of the dev chosen maps for the first time in what seems months and the people VOTED IT IN. Like what the heck is wrong with these people.

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the people wanted something that spiced it up instead of the same old plain maps like arabia bf or arena and thats why i think the majority of arabia only player is wrong when it comes to majority of favourite mapes as yes there are duplicates voted in. but nobody would vote the same ol plain map in if in the definition itself aoe2 de aswell as the games before had an allready bountyful selection of maps

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Voting in entirely different modes is detrimental; however - more maps are great.
At least for the basic ranked queue - fun and delicious chaos is to be had on the second queue

You can always use your bans on maps like nomand. No one is holding you back to do that. So no need to move a map, because you seems to be bad at that specific map, to a different queue.

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Wasting bans on banning modes instead of banning maps is a waste of a ban. Especially when itā€™s 100% of the time. Nomad is not a map - it is a separate mode like death match, regicide, king of the hill, etc

Nomad is still RM its just a different start. Itā€™s not like any of the objectives have changed like in regicide or wonder race. Itā€™s still a map.


This is clearly not true at all. Nomad is just a random map script. Next to this you can pick your own game mode. So you can play Nomad as Random map (like it is in the map mode), as Death match, as regicide, as king of the hill, as wonder race, ā€¦

The same applies to maps like Arabia, Black Forest, Rivers, Four Lakes, Coastal Lake, Crater, MegaRandom, Arena, Oasis, ā€¦

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I could also play death match on random map, regicide etc - nomad just happens to have maps specifically made for it but it is a separate mode all the same.

I could be wrong - but the fact that there are separate modes in the basic start ranked queue is unsettling at best.

I have no idea what your try to say with this post. Totally unclear to me.

I may be starting to run off track mentally - I consider nomad to be a seperate mode same as death match and regicide in terms of how much of a different start it is from a normal one.

Saying that nomad is another gamemode is like saying that Chinese is a another gamemode because the start is different and I donā€™t think that anyone would put Chinese in a separate queue


That I will say is entirely different. The chinese start is fine and is not a different mode entirely.

Nomad and mega random on the other handā€¦

I consider team non diplo and diplomacy to be different gamemodes on the same map with or without a water start and both different from the basic ranked regular start queue. And both are nomad.

Because itā€™s one of the few maps that stays fresh and fun even if I get it many times a day. Megarandom is something Iā€™m always happy to get

Plus thereā€™s always some worthless maps in the vote. Choosing between a clone of a permanent map vs literally anything else, Iā€™ll always vote for literally anything else.

You would be a user of the second queue then - nomad would be popular there - would you not then agree that the queue itself would see more use than when it had only death match?

Lol hey there Reanu and yes there seems to be a problem with map variety. In that itā€™s either the same reskinned maps or something complete bonkersā€¦there is no in between, just vastly different maps. Maybe the devs could work on developing new maps?

Not at all.
It is possible to have all 3 villagers far away from each other and it will result 2 villagers behind. Do you think the world champion can beat anybody with 2 less villagers at beginning ?

How are you getting two vills merced?

I donā€™t get your pointā€¦ all players start with same vils and all spreaded in almost the same distance each otherā€¦ the only way to loose 2 vils is by vil fight (what is too too risky) or missclick a boarā€¦

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