Battering ram too fast

I have a skirmish game going the AI Hardest mode and the battering ram is suddenly like a machine gun. The enemy is taking down my buildings in a matter of seconds. What in the world did you guys do?

Ever tried using your villagers to destroy the battering ram? Surprisingly effective :ok_hand:t2:

Yes and it works but with the speed increase nothing can stop them. 4 of these are basically enough to wipe out a village in a matter of minutes.

How about springalds?

There is no speed buff on rams on any difficulty.This is anyting but a bug.

I see now a new feature to upgrade batter ram speed. not a bug just a crazy new feature.

Your description is too vague and not very helpful.
" The enemy is taking down my buildings in a matter of seconds" like how many rams and what buildings? the starting TC landmark that has 7000 HP or a malian house? a few rams can (almost) one shot a house if you are talking about houses and such.
" 4 of these are basically enough to wipe out a village in a matter of minutes" 4 rams have always been enough to wipe out a village in a matter of MINUTES.

To provide more useful information, watch the replay and tell what kind of attack speed you are observing then we can see if it is different that the intended/tooltip attack speed. If you are lazy to do so (and eventually to provide a video showing the rams’ attack speed) maybe share your in-game name and history, tell us what game to observe…

Edit: also there is an imperial tech that increases the ram’s attack speed but I assumed you were not talking about that as most likely you died to the AI in Feudal because normally if you survive until imperial then the AI’ s cheating becomes less effective and you should win.

Take a look at the video and see if you think its unusually fast

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haha, you should have said from the beginning that 1 ram is blowing up a keep in a few seconds. Hopefully it gets fixed soon. I personally don’t play vs AI so never came across it. (Are you playing a mod/using a tuning pack by any chance? I noticed that some mods or even modified maps have their own bugs like today I joined a custom game and realized there were so many bugs specific to it)

No mods or tuning packs, just playing straight up vs AI on hardest mode.

During the 6.0 update there were some changes made to help B-Rams be more useful during late game. I will take this feedback to the balance team, though.