Berries!? šŸ¤” šŸ« šŸ“

Iā€™m sorry for the foul vocabularyā€¦ but WTF is this ???

Does anyone have any idea what this means or why it means if itā€™s an easter egg or a sign of something?
Did a quick search on berries, and I found something interesting, and a country really caught my attention.
first of all letā€™s go to definition of berries. ā€œUnder the name of wild barries, wild fruits or red fruits, a group of black or red fruits are grouped, for the most part arranged in berries.ā€
Cranberry, cranberry, blueberry or cranberry ########## #################### Black currant or gooseberry (Ribes migrum);
Cherry (Prunus cerasus, Prunus avium);
Strawberry (Fragaria virginiana);
Raspberry (Rubus idaeus);
Gooseberry (Ribes sativum and Ribes grossularia);
Blackberry (Rubus fruticosus);
Blackberry (Rubus loganbaccus);
Bilberry or Bilberry (Vaccinium).
of the fruits I listed above, Poland is one of the biggest producers of 3 of them.
11th biggest cherry producer.
4th biggest raspberry producer.
7th biggest strawberry producer


2nd Torp civ my betā€¦ Denmark?

That or hyping the Finland Revolt which is really strong


I take it you 2 havenā€™t played aoe3 too much, right?


Bonjour, grosso modo cā€™est simplement que la construction du Torp inclus ## ####### ## #### que votre bĆ¢timent rĆ©colte automatiquement jusquā€™Ć  Ć©puisement, Ć©tais cela que vous vouliez savoir ? :slight_smile:

Berries go hand-in-hand with the rise of civilisations and therefore have always had a place in all Age of Empire iterations. Age of Empires would be dead if man did not utilise the power of berry bushes.


Je viens de voir sur steam, jā€™ai donc rĆ©pondu totalement Ć  cotĆ© :rofl:

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Black humor from the developers with a new civ? Otherwise, what is he doing in the Steam news?


no bro, check your MS store or your steam
twitter too
intragem too

this is not normal


very strange. I wonder what they are trying to tell us.


Sweden is a Scandinavia civ. The posts on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter define berries with a strawberry emoji. The strawberry is the national fruit of Denmark, which is also a Scandinavian country. A reference to Denmark was also found in the last PUP. Soā€¦ Denmark DLC confirmed?


I think the Easter egg has been there for a long time? But posting it on all the social media has to mean something big. If strawberries are big in Denmark itā€™s probably a reference to Denmark being added as a civ [and I did a quick Internet search which confirmed what was already stated, Strawberries are the national fruit of Denmark].

Since a ā€œrevā€ flag was found for both Denmark and Poland it could mean if strawberries do confirm Denmark and than Denmark confirms Poland


The post to Twitter says #TriviaTuesdays. Does anyone know if that has been an ongoing thing?

Afaik thatā€™s the first time the Age team does this

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Ahh i see what you mean now. Sorry, my bad xD. I thought you were referring to the ingame tooltip. Thatā€™s was there since the original release.

Yeah, this is highly unusual.

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the berries have said that since 2005, im not sure what yā€™all are on about

The unusual part here is how the AoE team have posted that image/message to not only the social media accounts, but also to the news feed on Steam. The past posts on Steam have been about updates or new DLCs.

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Itā€™s interesting, maybe the developers plan to make Sweden revolutionize like Denmark or maybe they plan to add Norwegians?

I wonder, what civilization will they add? because I donā€™t think they add more than one.

  • Norway.
  • Poland Lithuania.
  • Denmark.
0 voters

Clarification: until now the DLCs respected a regular pattern of a single civilization and then two civilizations as a package, in theory now it would be an individual civilization, so what could it be?

egypt, Denmark. greeks is possible but unlikely


The developers certainly donā€™t just post a trivia fact on all sorts of social media channels, thereā€™s more to it than that. Coupled with the fact that the ā€œmarketingā€ branch reappeared in the Steam DB a few weeks ago, I think a DLC is not too unlikely.