Bonus Concept - Looting Mechanic


  • ^Aztecs/Mayans (Reference to how Aztecs slaughter prisoners as sacrifice to gods for blessings in return).
  • Huns/Mongols/Goths (Reference to their ferocity in plundering and looting as they go).
  • Magyars (Reference to when employed by other European kingdoms as mercenaries in their early days, they kept whatever loot was found in enemy domains as payment)


  • Vandals
  • Hephthalites

The plundering mechanic will only work for buildings, and the loot earned will be as follows:

  • 25 wood, 25 food, 25 gold per Town Center
  • 5 wood, 5 food, 15 gold per Market/Monastery/Dock
  • 5 wood, 5 food, 5 gold per other buildings

^ - I was considering giving Aztecs and Mayans a reward-per-kill alternatively. However, since the bonus overlap with Viking Chieftains and the removed Persian gold-per-kill, the gold reward for said effect will be omitted. Thus, you gain 5 food, 5 wood and 2 stone per unit slain.


Fun fact early beta/alpha versions of the game had this mechanic and modders were able to use this in mods for the cd version.Not sure if its supported by DE now.

SoTL has a video on the removed mechanics on is censoring the link.

Vikings already have that feature for their infantry though.
Nothing new. Also the Persians had it for their Cavalry until it got removed.
Would be easy to apply it to buildings instead of units.

It was originally intended to be a bonus for the Huns.
It would be cool to bring it back.
More expensive buildings like Castles or Town Centres could give even more resources.
Maybe even more then 100 Gold.


“Plunder” could be even an upgrade in the Barracks, avaible for some civs from the feudal age, and could give a little buff to the Militia line: their bonus vs buildings could then be more useful, and it could give more possibility to force fights


Not a bad idea.
Maybe it should just be the effect of Arson.
The +2 vs. Buildings will just be added to the base stats of all Castle and Imperial Age Infantry units. (Goth bonus reverted to +1 vs buildings).

The new Arson would not be available to all civilisations anymore.


Plunder will be a better tech to Huns than their current tech Atheism. I want to see pillaging Tarkans.

On a side note I want to see Huns use Central Asian Architecture. That’s where they originally belonged to. And they didn’t just invade Romans they also invaded Guptas in India. European Architecture does not fit outside Europe for the Huns.

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Nothing fits for the Hun.
They are a 5th century civilisation while most architectures are somewhere between 10th and 16th century.

It’s also not clear how the Huns really where and what other groups of people were also Huns.
So we do not know if the Huns invaded India or if it was some other unrelated group.

The Central European architecture set is completely wrong but so would the East Asian one be.
Central Asian is maybe the least wrong but also still wrong since they are not Persians at all.

Do you have any article supporting your claim?

There is still a disagreement between historians who the Huns really where and what people are parts of the same group or other groups.
How can I provide evidence for something that is disagreed on?
By porting 2 articles that say the opposite thing?

It’s generally hard to put people from the Steppes into groups because they languages, cultures and leadership often changed and mixed very quickly compared to other parts of the world.

The Origin of the Huns is still a debated topic but they are very likely linked to the Xiongnu.
But we don’t know if they are linked to the Hunas that invaded India.

The name “Hun” seems to be something that multiple groups of people adapted for themselves.
We still don’t know the origin of the word Hun so hard to tell if people that share that name are related or not.

Also outside people easily slapped the name Hun on other groups, like the Arabs called every European a Frank.
Yeah those Europeans where somewhat related but that doesn’t make everyone a Frank.