Some great ideas in here, give brits a battleship with unique ability, buff those terrible manor cards and give manors a new skin and make rangers available by default in age 4.
Good idea!Give the British a unique age3’s revolutionary card completely similar to the jacobite Rebellion in Revolutionary France. The Scots jacobite Rebellion of we have more unique Scottish units, cards, and buildings that are available by default,But since then, this revolution is more Aoe3’s in line with the timeline
I really like this idea!! My person solution to this was a bit more tame by suggesting that they add/swap out the infinite 13 Cherokee Riflemen card with an equivalent Gurkha one. (This would be with a new type of Gurkha unit, not like the ones currently used by the Indian civ.) The new Gurkha unit would have stats that mirror that of the Cherokee Riflemen.
This said, I think it would be cool to be able to recruit Canadian Mounties and Australian Bushrangers from an embassy style building too. (However this might be a bit weird having police and criminals fighting on the same side )
This would also lend itself well with the new Danish civ, with danish mercenaries being a reference to Hamlet.
Though I like this idea, I think they should be Welsh Miners instead. My reason for this is that we already have reference to three out of the four British nations and this would solve this issues. After their economic life span is up, maybe an upgrade called “Welsh Guards” could be be researched in Age 4 that converts all Welsh Miners into Grenadiers.
An additional upgrade could be given to this new Miner unit that when researched could give Miners the ability to build Tin Mines for a small wood cost. This technology could be called “Cornish Tin” after the displacement of Cornish miners after the Great Tin Crash of 1985. Mining Tin with miners could be a fast but micro intensive way to gather coin.
Additional aesthetic changes I’d make include giving Redcoat imperial skins grey or black trousers and providing grenadiers with a unique skin after the British Grenadiers HC card is sent.
I believe this could be executed by reducing the rate of fire to 1.5, increasing the range to 15, and reducing the movement speed to 2 when in the stand ground stance.
Yes, I would give 3 new UUs to the British, French, Portuguese and Swedes…
That is a good one…
What new unique units do you have in mind for the French, Portuguese and the Swedes?
I am putting less focus on the British in this matter since ideas for giving them some new unique units has been talked about for some time now, where they could possibly get the: Rocket Ship, Saker and Scots Grey etcetera.
This sounds very interesting.
A randomized unit added to Barracks representing some of their colonies or unique units (Gurkha, Mountie, Australian Unit, Royal Marine, Cherokee, Scottish unit) or another type of Irish units may be a good detail.
To the French I would give Bourbon and Napoleonic units by default… to the Portuguese Braganza and perhaps Bandeirantes units… and to the Swedes Vasa and Wittelsbach units…
Yes, it works for me…
This is a great suggestion. Puritans covers the pilgrim travellers to the Americas plus does well to also cover 17th century England (Puritan Roundheads Vs the Cavaliers etc) as well.
Well, some things that could be added considering the time period:
More cards related to the Puritan Religion.
More cards related to PIRATES, mainly from privateers, maybe from the dock.
Some unique units from the Jacobin era, such as Oliver Cronwell’s “Ironsides”, maybe as mercenaries or replacing the Dragons.
This is a game originally from the colonies, although there are cards from the European English army from the 17th century (1600 AD ->), it should also be recognized that part of the invading English army to the Spanish Colonies used privateers, yes up to the campaign level of Drake shows it.
In fact, as a curious note, in the Vanilla version, when AoE3 came out, the Spanish were the ones who produced pirates in Galleons and Sallons, instead of the English. I feel that as the “Black Legend” influenced so much the AoE-III developers that they not only gave Spain the worst civ but also called them pirates, with the English Historically being the pirates. Quite a joke.
Well, considering that the Definitive version tries so well to look for Historical representation (“Which is very good”), as well as prub new mechanics, they could make the English galleons able to produce pirate mercenaries. It would be an interesting mechanic.
Yes to Pirates, though I have a couple of suggestions.
Brits should get access to Buccaneers (as in the Haiti upgraded pirate version) - Buccaneers were the pirate Mercenary forces that the British hired, rather than outlaw pirates. Like a the Haiti version, they should have a ranged attack though real life buccaneers were far more martial than pirates and preferred the use of muskets.
As you have said, they could be accessible via the Galleon by way of shipment (‘Buccanneers of Port Royal’ - a get 17th century nod)
There should also be more Privateer shipments with Pirates included - which could even reference the 16th century begining of Caribbean piracy by calling them for example ‘Drake’s Seadogs’ or ‘Raleigh’s Expeditonary Fleet’.
On the subject of ironsides - they are in the game as Harquebusiers which is their unit type. British also get reliable access to them with Merc Contractor age-up. I lf you wanted something more novel we could always get a a reskinned Black Rider called London Lobsters which were the fully armoured Ironside contingent.