Buffing the Portuguese in 2021

This is not possible, some civs are just not even played that much to begin with, specially by great players.

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Following your logic they should buff aztecs and chinese.

Sounds cool

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key word here is ideally. in an ideal world everyone has a 50% winrate against everyone. logistically this is impossible. even in SC2, which has been considered the gold standard for RTS for the past decade, balance was considered fine at 45-55%


In an ideal world people understand that those stats are complete garbage for balancing purposes 11

oh i agree, but i’m just trying to make a point.

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This is the first patch Aztecs weren’t above 50% for all elo ranges. They are still above 50% for high elo which makes them fine. Chinese are fine cause they consistently have a greater than 50% win rate in high elo.

Portuguese have never had a close to 50% win rate for any elo range. Why not try to slightly tinker with their bonuses to help them be a little more competitive so their win rate gets a little closer to 50%?

Also they are very low on drafts in major tournaments which is another indicator of needing balance.


because ladder winrates are a joke and even pros rate portuguese as a solid mid tier civ.

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They said the same thing before the 30% tech speed bonus too. So why even give them that? Also ladder win rates aren’t a joke. I’m sure devs use them in combination with other tools like tournament stats and top player’s imput to help them make balance changes.


their cavaliers are among the best in the game.

FU and less gold. better than some paladins even like byz or celt

you were saying?

No, Paladin is always better than Cavalier, no matter what, actually. For it to be worse, it would have to miss 2 Armour upgrades, or something similar.

If you pit equal resources of Celt Paladin and Ports Cavalier, the Paladin team win, by a lot.

Those videos were made in august and April.

point is, they were made BEFORE The buff, and you said

so clearly this isn’t true at all. two of the best pros in the game, both saying Portuguese aren’t good.

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if you calculate paladin upgrade cost you need a lot of celt paladins to match port cavaleers.

on a cost basis not 1v1

i mean if total res spent is 10.000 (mixed food gold) port cavs are probably better, if they are 20.000 then celt palas could be better

It is true that Celts never go for Paladin, as it is too expensive for what they get, but going Cavalier as Ports, is a terrible idea. Save that Food and Gold for Halberdiers and Arbalests, which are the true lategame units for Portuguese.

They got the 20% gold discount buff in July so viper’s video means nothing because that video was made in April. Viper has said on stream that the Portuguese were a solid/decent civ after the 20% gold discount in July update but before the 30% faster techs buff in November update.

Where is the arabia tier video of Hera claiming that Portuguese are now a solid mid tier civ post November update?

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it was 15% before then. let’s not act like it was some huge change.

and hera still had them as a bad civ, and tournament use supports that.

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Who are you to say how good of a change that is? Seems like viper thought it was enough and Hera didn’t. You know not all pros have the exact same opinion.

Viper used them 2x in KOTD 3 I’m pretty sure so I guess he thought they were good enough to use in a major tournament.

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and clearly most the pros agreed with hera, seeing as portuguese still didn’t see much use.

yes, in the round of 16 to hide other strats because he knew he could beat both bact and themax. those were literally the only time they got used in the tournament.

fact remains that clearly the devs believed they weren’t good too because they got buffed.
now other pros, top players and casters are acknowledging Portuguese as a decent civ too.

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Point is, Ports have already been buffed twice, and moved to 45% winrate.
That is honestly enough.

I love playing Ports, and they do not fel weak at all, or in need of buffs.