比如我使用的任何種族只要遇到 "牛"隻 會立即閃退
或者自己建世界奇觀會立即閃退 、 敵人世界奇觀倒數100年內會閃 、 建完市場之後要給其他友軍單位供品如食物、木材、石頭、黃金等,任何金額都會閃退
帕查庫特克第2關 開場的軍隊被打死後,換主角要逃跑時,沒多久閃退
游娣特第4關 打下任何一座石碑附近的敵人後,會閃退
松亞蒂塔 第1關 只要角色靠近康家巴城市,會閃退
帕木兒第3關 贏得河上的戰鬥 , 完成之後會閃退
布裡陀毗羅閣第2關 只要一抵達左邊的城鎮中心,會閃退
莽應龍第4關 時間倒數600年內,會閃退
席德第3關 只要主角一抵達右下角營地,會閃退
斯福爾札 第2關 只要我們僧侶把遺跡放進任何一個友軍修道院(羅馬尼亞人),會閃退
巴里 第2關 只要摧毀巴里任何3座城堡,會閃退
伊瓦伊洛 第2關 只要讓中間的教會變成我方,會閃退
佛拉德‧德古拉 第3關 只要摧毀土耳其城堡(有紅色旗子標記的地方),會閃退
可泰可汗 第4關 只要我們的商車到達庫曼營地,會閃退

還有你是不是用windows7啊? 基本上那麼容易閃退,不會是程式的漏洞…


Various BUG
I would like to ask if you have any related problems
For example, any race I use will immediately retreat whenever I encounter a “bull”
Or you will immediately retreat when you build a world wonder, the enemy ’s world wonder will flash within 100 years, after the market is completed, you must supply other friendly units such as food, wood, stone, gold, etc. Any amount will flash back
Campaign part
Pachakutk level 2 After the opening army was killed, it did n’t take long for the protagonist to run away after changing the main character
You Yute Level 4 After falling down any enemies near the monument, it will retreat
Sonjatita Level 1 As long as the character is near the city of Kangarba, he will retreat
Parmour Level 3 Win the battle on the river and retreat when you finish
Brito Pilo Level 2 As soon as you reach the town center on the left, you will retreat
Reckless Dragon Level 4 Will retreat within 600 years of countdown
Sid level 3 As soon as the protagonist reaches the camp in the lower right corner, he will retreat
Sforza Level 2 As long as our monks put the ruins in any friendly monastery (Romanian), they will retreat.
Barry Level 2 As long as you destroy any 3 castles in Barry, you will retreat
Ivailo Level 2 As long as the middle church becomes our side, it will retreat
Vlad Dracula Level 3 As soon as you destroy the Turkish castle (where marked with a red flag), you will retreat
Koutik Khan Level 4 As soon as our bus arrives at Camp Kuman, it will retreat
Regardless of the lowest or highest picture quality, fully open or fully closed, playing any of the points that will retreat will not work.
No modules have been downloaded, and this game is installed on STEAM. It has not been verified and downloaded again.
Is there any way to solve this?
