Bugs & Conveniences

Here listed are my list of schematics I found trouble with, along with my list of conveniences that would be welcome to add. Any # with a (CHECK) has a video I can provide to support my claim. I hope these refinements are welcome and I CANNOT wait for this game to come out ^.^

#1 - Villagers right click to garrison the TC clickbox surrounding base too large (box around TC accepts workers into TC beyond walls of TC at the bottom of the wall to the other side. This is an issue for eating sheep (2) (CHECK)
#2 - Graphic only gate open (not actually) with video (2) (CHECK)
#3 - Relic stuck in wall if dropped/monk dies (2) (CHECK)
#4 - Smart move of archers & walls forces archers to walk around walls instead of attacking units within range of wall (Wall does not act as though it has LOS) (CHECK)
#5 - Building clickbox glitch with smaller buildings (mill in construction) if villager is clicked off then retargeted on the mill, clickbox will ‘glitch-out’ and will not allow you to click it in all areas of the regular clickbox of the mill (#5 0:15 to end of video) (CHECK)
#6 - Unable to direct unit ungarrison (CHECK)
#7 - Archers on wall when broken unable to get hit by melee (spears, etc) (CHECK)
#8 - Trebuchets intermittedly dont listen (when instructed to attack a building, intermittedly they decide to target alternate buildings, especially if target building is furthest away and other targets are closer)
#9 - Prelate hitbox to manual inspire limited (#9A@ 0:36 – 1:03, 1:41 – 2:00)(2) (CHECK)
#10 - Scout defaults to garrison option when shift+queue’ing deer (prior to grabbing the carcass/deer) or said alternatively; Scout queue defaults to garrison option prior to action of shift+queued task (CHECK)
#11 - Cannot deselect single units in same group (10 vills for example) this is especially important if you have say 2 scouts and you want them to collect two separate deer, you cannot deselect one scout, instead you must find the scout along its path to the deer and select one (CHECK)
#12- Building dock near/on shore fish removes shore fish from game (CHECK)
#13 - Building mill/lumber camp near resource (felled tree, small berry bush) may remove resource from game
#14 - AI units intermittedly glitch out once being attacked (transport or other ships, scout, villager)
#15 - (Operating as designed - not a bug) Prelates get pulled with select all army command
#16 -AI Transport Ship unable to unload (targetshore) near the end of my LOS (will not unload intermittedly even if unload target&ship are on the shore) (CHECK)
#17 - Imperial Officer will not supervise a building if it has gold in its pockets
#18 - Imperial Officer will not stand ground; at all
#19 - Units will not garrison in transport ship if transport ship moves
#20 - Units will not change trajectory if transport ship moves
#21 - (Operating as designed - not a bug) Transport ship will not pick up units, units must garrison to transport ship
#22 - Battering rams will not reroute if path blocked (by other rams) (CHECK)
#23 - GFX villager appears to carry resource with no stock of said resource, if vill is pulled off harvesting resource prior to collecting any amount of said resource (CHECK)
– (Issue moved to convenience list)
#25 – Unit Attack Move/Smart Move/Move/OTHER command glitched group actions. Set my army in Social Distancing Formation towards a target on move command, then shift+Lclick’ed+A for attack move once the units hit their move command, to surround my targets. Then split off forces to move command towards another set of buildings. The split off forces appeared to ignore my Move command OR WORSE they somehow glitched into keeping with the original Shift Commands I sent the entire army on prior to splitting them off. You can observe in the video it appears as though a proximity {command} issues the army to scream as if attacking but none of the forces at that time hit their move command target locations. It appears as though the split off army moves towards its intended path and then abolishes my DIRECT COMMAND once the proximity scream begins and then moves directly into Attack move, where most of the forces get forced off their Move trajectory to fight what is within range. This ruins the element of surprise in multiple ways, and if I am right, this is a SEVERE ERROR
Units ignored move command after I clicked Shift+A+RightClick maybe connected with #25 Worst Case
#27 – Relic Hitbox inaccurate

Bug Report
Version: 5.0.5544.0

Map Seed: 61776bda
Map Type: Archipelago or something water
Map Size: Micro
Biome: European Temperate
Gametype: Standard
Multiplayer: Custom 1v1 vs AI

Bug Report
Version: 5.0.5544.0

Map Seed: 61776bda
Map Type: Black Forest
Map Size: Micro
Biome: European Temperate
Gametype: Standard
Multiplayer: Custom 1v1 vs AI

Able to replicate nearly all errors listed


  • Zoom could max out with Trebuchet Range (the happy medium)
  • Global queue
  • Moveable dynasty menu (click this on accident waay too much) (Chinese)
  • (Suggestion) Wall towers act as bridge once docked (can include a lag or time to cross if OP)
  • customization of hotkeys including macro keys or mouse keys
  • more balance to encourage manned walls. One of my favorite features blind walking into the game (biased)
  • would like to know how many relics there are in a match
  • Trees&Felled Trees are difficult to click individually
  • workers clickboxes are not ideal (Click on a worker SmartToolTip can be very infuriating)
  • Add a walled competitive map for newbs
  • Hold command (so if units move without being told to stand grand again they will hold)
  • Patrol command
  • upgrade completed sound louder and more alerting
  • battering rams will not find a new path to target if blocked, nor will they attack something else nearby. Battering rams amongst other army types could timeout if they are unable to hit their target.
  • should be able to land on shores (where the water is shallow)
  • if transport is queued to unload on shore in a group of transport ships, not all transports will unload, transports seem to have the opposite issue and appear to time out and give up trying to unload without indication
  • every CIV should have a laughing voice sound to lighten the mood :slight_smile:
  • Timer on Tech up for Abbasid
  • Any points made by SC2 pro’s should definitely be weighted as gold in relation to UI, hotkey customization, and Micro play the SC2 community is ready for the next RTS, even if they are a bit sour about it like a new break up
  • Defensive position (attack up to a certain point, would be nice but not necessary for release date )
  • Palisade to line up with buildings/building corners/anywhere
  • Unable to line up/pre-plan gate placement on walls must be within LOS
  • adjustable scroll rate for arrow keys especially in replay UI
  • Monks/Prelates/Imams etc. run for their lives instead of forming in formation with the army when grouped together. This appears more accurate in reality, and allows for precious healers a ‘fighting’ chance to live when retreating.
  • Roman Influence does not transfer over walls (walls are neutral) IDEALLY influence would transfer over to other side to maintain influence property
  • Units like the prelates&other monks with an army (example man at arms prelate & crossbowman) Spell menu combines with army sub menu unless a villager is with them lets say. This would be similar to the TC having a LC Mill MC or other on the same hotkey and being able to TAB through to research/keep track of Research on Economy buildings all in the same hotkey. THIS IS especially useful when the prelate/imam et cetera has a relic in their possession and you want to press T to activate the CONVERT spell
  • need to make adjustment to Units walking around walls/Smart moving around walls, this was a bad AoE schematic already (this might be dead in the water of an idea as I cannot provide a suggestion)
  • Target prioritization of attack move army should be whatever is closest and not always units running away, this causes units to stray and be picked off with ease. If you manually micro this, they will still chase running units (even a singular running unit) with an ENTIRE ARMY. Attacking units is one thing but sending an entire army after one villager is not good. Though it isnt expressed, I understand and agree with first priority of attack move command is attacking enemy units, that are attacking my units Lol
  • Cheer command or Units Scream with Victory

Set Angle of Camera (when rotating camera)
Reset camera – (when rotating camera)
Deselect unit from group (singular units or maybe 5 at a time if you also hold shift)
fast cancel last building production (clicking the portrait of the next item on production is time consuming, and not ideal, so while having the building selected ESC or G or something would be good to cancel)
Patrol Hotkey
Hold Hotkey

Cannot wait for October now ^.^ With my love and attention Thank You Relic Entertainment & Everyone involved <3 Beta Testing was the best part of 2021 for me so far.



  • CrashDashDee <3

@Licidy Please re-route if unwelcome thank you for your time ! ^.^