Building under construction hit box needs to be under animal hit box

If my villager is constructing a building and gets attacked by wolf, I can’t fight the wolf because its hitbox is under the building hitbox. I have to walk away from the building by a considerable amount before I can engage it. By the time I’ve done all this I’ve lost a lot of HP.

Use the A key plus the left mouse button to attack and movement command

Thanks. That still feels like a work-around a bug.

I would say this is less a problem with wolves where u can a move. If u place a tc on deer u have the same problem, it’s hard to target deer with 2 villagers that build the tc to already kill off all close deer. U have to turn the camera, which is much worse than a moving.

LOL. I never thought of moving the camera. That’s crazy.

Yeah, the hit box layering changed for season 3. I remember being able to kill the deer in season 2.