Call to change African farms

they are by far and I mean without any comparison the cheapest version of endless res. It’s not even close to haciendas and those have 20 units where estates have 10 for the same price. let them be like they are - a little bit more work to place them but way cheaper to do so. Unless you’re on full natural res until the second they run out it should honestly not be a problem at all. The suggestion for a hotkey to place 8 fields around a granary doesn’t sound too bad tho

the build time technically adds a hidden cost, one which can be more easily negated by hausa. that being said, being ridiculously tedious seems to be the more common complaint


they have the same overall rate once you account for the granary.

villagers on mills only gather at like 70% of the rate of the vil UI since they have alot of walking time built in

fields have a lot less walking time compared to mills since there are less vils on them and the space they walk are also alot less.

There is also the hidden fact that the market vil HP and attack upgrade also grants vils speed so your gather rate are slightly increased though its very minor

Hausa can also get cheeky and add in a griot which gives like another 5% speed boost

Also with a card they gather wood too for one of the civs, which increase their efficiencu

That’s solves nothing other than putting lipstick on a pig. Fields are so astoundingly bad that they need to be replaced, not fiddled around with for the 100th time. All this does is made it so you need to have 400 wood upfront. You’d still need to task Villagers to actually build the things and wouldn’t be able to toggle them without hotkeys.

The button could work by just locating the max number of fields available. In case of having less than 400w it should appear as X wood needed like with any other building. It would be like an auto queue

But that improves nothing. It still would take forever to build, lack the ability to easily toggle, and be a pain to keep track of capacity. You’d also be much more prone to overbuild capacity since you’d be placing enough for 24 Villagers at a time.

Why not just have the footprint for one large chunk of farmland integrated into the Granary building that you seed when you need it? Even if it was as small as only supporting 6 or 8 Villagers, that’s still a massive improvement over what we have now.

it helps with placement and thats like 90% of the issue

Placing them is a tiny fraction of the tedious bs they entail.

I did the math in terms of villager seconds to gather the wood and build them and it was the same result, nowhere near the cost of other buildings - and that’s without considering that you can sell cattle for wood.

I wouldn’t have expected it to be terribly expensive, but it is still higher build time than other buildings, especially when you consider how many of the things you have to build. Nevertheless, the cost has never been a point of contention for anyone here that I’ve seen, ever.

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I think granaries should also have the ability to toggle between food/currency like a rice paddy, and all crops within their range will toggle depending on the option selected.


Perhaps enable faster build speed with the first food tech at the field or something, granaries do boost build speed now iirc and effect 2 rows of fields so it is a lot better than it used to be but build speed is by far the biggest issue.

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u dont even need to boost it necessarily but allowing more vils to build it is more than enough

its ineffcient but I think people are mostly annoyed when they are about to run out of hunts and are spamming down a bunch of fields and a bunch of vils cant just turbo build them

build speed is already halfed with the card that makes them free, going from 60vs to 30vs iirc

Let’s be real. Does anyone ever use that card in competitive play?

competitive doesn’t really get to that point so landgrab isn’t used either - except for some balanced builds with USA. That doesn’t change the fact, that is reduces the build cost by 81.25%

Only if you don’t account for Granary build time or wood upgrades. And an 80% cost reduction of something really cheap really isn’t hugely beneficial. But that’s all irrelevant if you never send it. I would gladly have a much more expensive alternative to Fields that wasn’t mind numbingly tedious to deal with.

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The field and granary system is fine as it is. As Hausa you have two cards that make the construction quicker and cheaper (free, actually).

Regarding the lack of space, you just have to make the habit of placing the houses one next to the other. That way you save up a lot of space for building the fields later in the game.

When you run out of herd animals or gold mines, you just send vills to wood and progressively place them to fields. It’s not a big deal.

Nobody wants to use that card though and it shouldn’t be so tedious as to make it feel necessary.

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