Call to change African farms

I would like to ask if the Fields can be officially removed from the game.

And replace them with the classic Mills, with 10 collector slots

I suggest the change, mainly because of the great difficulty that exists in placing them, building them and creating your entire economy in lategame.
The Fields could be applied in another way, but it is best to apply a typical gathering building, like the rest of the civilizations.

Thank you!


just give graneries a button to place 8 fields arround them


It takes a little longer I guess but they’re also a lot more affordable to transition to than mills.


Yes, similar to how it is in AOE-4

I like how it is for them I don’t want it changed.


If the game gets to the point where there’s no hunt and the enemy is still alive, I’d rather just resign than make fields. They are that tedious.


Oh really?. You must be the king of micromanagement.

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And really, it’s unnecessary micromanagement. These aren’t decisions that are meaningful. You make the meaningful decision when you place the granary. Simply spawning the fields at the same time would be totally appropriate.

Let’s say you want the granaries to have two purposes: 1) early game use for corralling hunts, 2) farms. Nothing here is disrupted. By spawning unbuilt fields, the granary still functions as it does now in the early game for huntables. But, now all you have to do is 1 click on a villager to build and produce instead of click the villager, hotkey the field, place each of 8 fields, and then go. Take the unnecessary clicks out without altering the core function of the building or the key decisions the player needs to make.

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I love AR but I feel like the devs wanted to incorporate farms from AoE2 and it just doesn’t work. They are tedious as all hell and because they take so long to build half the time I forget to switch to coin until I notice I’m out of it. Rice paddies are bad in that regard but I have worse luck with fields. Never have that problem with haciendas though.

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I shift click to build them like I do in other Age games so I am used to it.

I like how fields are easier to transition into because they are cheap to build individually (50 wood) with each allowing up to 3 vills to gather from and even have a card that makes them free to build and built faster.

either allow granneries to make them or make it so they clip together automatically so you can just drag it almost

and with the aura expansion high level precision isnt that needed and while it doesnt necessarily look pretty, it works all the same.

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The problem is that AOE-3 does not have a squad system. I also like low-cost farms, but it’s annoying when you require a quick transition from natural resources to cultivation.

i mean, even just allowing 4v on a field would drop it from 33ish to 25ish required and that would already be a big improvement

The current setup of Granaries servers both of these roles very poorly.

Baiting Hunts

  1. The Granary building is excessively bulky so it can tesselate with Fields and this makes it a pain to path around or fit into small areas. It also makes it difficult to place on maps like Bengal or Sudd where there isn’t a lot of land area to place them.
  2. Villagers automatically shoot hunts away from Granaries when constructed so you need to shift click to actually have hunts nearby once they’re made.
  3. The attraction aura is weak and mostly overridden by shooting hunts.
  4. It takes forever to build because for some reason it’s free. I’m not sure why it couldn’t have a small cost and the starting Cow could have a little extra fatness to afford it.


  1. There’s no central building to hover over to see capacity. It’s hard to tell how much of your capacity is being used at a glance, so it’s easy to just overbuild Farms when trying to get your Villagers to work.
  2. There’s no central point to toggle production. Switching over pretty much requires selecting all visible Farms or just one at a time.
  3. They take fucking forever to build and require tricks to toggle to coin before they’re complete.
  4. It takes up a ton of space. Since you need to place them in relation to hunts, they’re often not in a convenient orientation for Farm placement.

Alternative Implementation

  1. Consolidate it into one building. Granaries could start with a small dirt area around them that could later be upgraded to farmland. This could even overlap with mines, trees and bushes so they aren’t a pain to place. You’d just have to clear the area before you can turn it to farmland. The peripheral dirt area could also permanently trap animals so they don’t just run away every time Villagers shoot.

  2. Make the actual building smaller (shrink the fenced off area). That would make it easier to place in the first place and easier to path around. It would also give more crop space so they could remain a smaller capacity building (supports 6-8) and still have a decent amount of farmland area.

So the end result could look something like this:
Granary Small

  1. Add a small cost but speed up build time. It’s kinda silly that they’re free, especially if they were a Mill equivalent. Something like 40w + 20f could work. Just add a little more fatness to one of the starting cows to make up for it. Adding in crops could even keep the long build time with low cost approach. There could be the option to either buy crops immediately directly from the Granary, or slowly build them for free with Villagers.

  2. Have a different gimmick from AoE2. Instead of 8 tedious Fields, it could be one building that occasionally needs to “reseed”. Up the base gather rate a bit, but have it so the field runs out after awhile and the Villagers have to replenish it for a little bit of downtime. There’s already wandering on Mills so this could be a feature that makes Granaries function uniquely. It could also allow for more unique upgrades like ones that increase field duration or speed up reseed time.

That could work though maybe only for building and not for gathering

iirc a mill takes up about the space of 4 fields so a granary with 8 fields (the first row) is about the same vils per area as 2 mills( since 2 mills gives allows 20 vils to gather ) while the 8 fields+ granary allows 24, allowing 32 vils in the same space could be too space efficient

also and this maybe part of why i never really have a problem with fields playing hausa is that hausa cards that boost build rate of buildings and fields so you can sorta not feel it. Fulani cattle fertilizer speed field building by 30% and the age 1 uni card gives an aura that gives another 25%, so if you have a decently built base they go up pretty fast.

I dont think Ethiopia has those options

its more about the sheer number of building placements than it is the space, but build time is a huge issue for Ethiopia for certain

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The Advanced Agriculture card isn’t bad to make it less tedious, especially if you plan on going late game. Send the card and just set 1 vill to make farms for free, the card can save you a ton of wood and even more time, it isn’t great for your tempo but perhaps in teams or something it is worth it.

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Yes field is more affordable but it also gathers slowly. The base gather rate of field is about 86% of rice paddy and mills. They are all supposed to be 0.5 for food and0.34 for coin, however for some reason vills walk on field 14% of the time.

Also the upgrades are more expensive compared to other civs which make sup for the cheaper construction cost

The Granary does come with a 10% gather boost so it offsets that a little. But I still wouldn’t say they’re any cheaper. It takes about 230 seconds to construct an amount of Granaries and Fields equal to a Mill which takes 20 seconds. Although they did change it so Fields build faster near Granaries so it might actually be more like 210 seconds (assuming 10% faster). Assuming you’ve got a few wood gathering upgrades that’s about equal to the total wood cost of the Fields. So that’s only about 25% cheaper for something that’s also an extremely tedious distraction from everything else you need to focus on. If you take into account that you’re likely to overbuild because Fields are a massive pain to place and keep track of, then you’re probably going to build enough extra capacity that you didn’t save any resources. And then you need to afford the expensive upgrades.

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