Calling All Age of Empires III Players: Let Our Voices Be Heard!

For too long, the Age of Empires III community has been ignored, sidelined, and treated like an afterthought. Meanwhile, the developers continue to push content for other games in the franchise while pretending we don’t exist. Enough is enough.

If you love AOE3, now is the time to act. I urge every player to follow the official Age of Empires Twitter and YouTube accounts and leave a comment under every post and video. Tell them exactly what you think—your own thoughts, not just mine. But here’s where I stand:

:rotating_light: 1. I Refuse to Spend a Single Cent Until AOE3 Gets Basic Updates Again.

Why should we support a team that breaks promises and turns its back on an entire community? I won’t fund their neglect. If they want our money, they need to earn it by at least maintaining the game we love.

:crossed_swords: 2. This Is No Longer About DLC—It’s About Respect.

I’m not even asking for a massive expansion anymore. I just want the game to receive basic maintenance. A few developers could keep AOE3 alive with minor balance patches, occasional fixes, and small but meaningful content updates—things like a new unit, a new card, or even simple cosmetic skins. If they refuse to do even this, then their disdain for the AOE3 community is undeniable.

:broken_heart: 3. Their Bias Against AOE3 Is Unacceptable.

As the managers of the entire Age of Empires franchise, their job is to support all the games in the series. But instead, they treat AOE3 like it doesn’t even exist, blatantly ignoring our comments and requests. We are not second-class players. We deserve respect.

:fire: 4. AOE3 Is Not a “Dead Game”—It Has Thousands of Daily Players.

They can’t use the excuse that AOE3 has no players. It has thousands of daily active users—more than most strategy games on Steam! We are a dedicated, passionate community, and they cannot keep pretending we don’t exist.

:shield: 5. AOE3 Doesn’t Need Much—Just a Sign That They Still Care.

A simple balance patch, a new unit, a new card, or even a simple unit skin every now and then would be enough to show that AOE3 still matters. The frustration in this community isn’t just about missing content—it’s about being deliberately ignored.

So here’s my message to the developers: We are here. We are loud. And we are not going away.

:speech_balloon: Now it’s your turn. Leave a comment. Speak your mind. Make them hear us. If we keep pushing, if we keep reminding them that AOE3 is still alive and loved, they won’t be able to ignore us forever.

:boom: The Fight for Age of Empires III Is Already Happening—Join In! :boom:

I see some AOE3 players speaking up every single day—on Twitter, on YouTube, in every comment section. They come from Latin America, Europe, North America, China—from all over the world.

Every time the official Age of Empires account posts anything, these players are there. Reminding the developers. Reminding the AOE3 community. Reminding the rest of the Age of Empires player base.

:rotating_light: Age of Empires III has been treated unfairly.

:rotating_light: Age of Empires III has been ignored.

:rotating_light: But we are still here.

We are not asking for much. We are reasonable. We don’t demand massive expansions, we don’t expect a full development team—we just want the game to live. We just want fair and reasonable treatment, instead of neglect and silence.

And when I say fair and reasonable, I know some people will bring up the argument:

“AOE3 has a smaller player base, so of course, it gets less support!”

But tell me—does AOE3 have fewer players than Age of Mythology? No. AOE3 has nearly twice the player base of Age of Mythology, and yet, look at the difference in treatment. Look at the blatant bias.

If there was ever an excuse before, there is no excuse now.

So no, we are not being unreasonable.

No, we are not just complaining for the sake of complaining.

No, we are not asking for anything absurd.

:fire: AOE3 players, stand tall. Be confident. We are in the right. :fire:

The ones who are wrong are the ones who broke their promises.

The ones who are wrong are the ones who chose to ignore us.

The ones who are wrong are the ones who abandoned a dedicated community that still thrives despite everything.

We are not causing trouble.

We are not asking for miracles.

All we want is for this game to keep going.

Even now, there are bugs that disrupt gameplay—bugs that should have been fixed long ago.

Even now, the game is not perfectly balanced—it still has room for refinement.

Even now, some design elements are inconsistent—they just need minor adjustments to be improved.

And none of this requires a large team. None of this is impossible.

So be brave. Be loud. Do what you know is right. We are not wrong to fight for this.

Let them hear us.

Let them see us.

Let them know that Age of Empires III is still alive, and it deserves better.


We will not surrender!


AoE 3 not getting exposure was always the issues I said that here for years. It is mind boggling that there are people who still defend world edge


Stand strong together soldiers. We are one.


You tried to kill me off
Surprised, I remain
A scale tips, impossible
Afraid of my own name


I make a video to fight back.
The title means’The studio which do best at humiliating its own game in history has arrived '.

now there are 64000 views.


Do you have a link to this you could share?




A very good thing to do actually is crowfunding tournaments
Hopefully we could achieve a prize pool of 5k or maybe 10k
They we will definitely got MS attention!


While crowdfunding tournaments sounds like a nice idea, it doesn’t address the real issue. We shouldn’t have to pay extra just to get the developers’ attention. That’s their responsibility. The idea that AOE3 players need to go the extra mile, invest more money, and work harder just to be acknowledged follows the same unfair logic we’ve seen for years: “AOE3 players must do more, because you don’t deserve the same treatment as other titles.”

We’re not against spending money—I think many of us would gladly pay to support actual game content. If they launched DLCs or expansions through crowdfunding, that would make sense. But we pay for content, not just to be noticed or pitied.

Let’s not forget that AOE3 tournaments have received zero official support for years. Even AOE1 and Age of Mythology—both with smaller player bases—have received better treatment in this regard. If anything has hurt AOE3’s competitive scene, it’s not the players. The real culprit is “the WE”—the very people in charge of managing the franchise, who have systematically neglected this game and its community.

So no, the burden is not on the players to fund tournaments in hopes of “getting attention.” The burden is on those who abandoned the game while profiting from its legacy.


Yes, but you missed the point on why this is important
Esports/Competitive support of a game is a reliable crunch of profitability for the studio due to partner and sponsorships.

Esports sponsorships are profitable for brands because they offer a unique blend of massive global reach, high engagement with a targeted audience, and opportunities for authentic and relatable marketing, ultimately leading to increased sales and a strong Return on Investment. That would make the game as a service in the long term, while investing on more and more content for players.


I understand your point, but this argument assumes that AOE3 is failing to attract investment due to a lack of tournaments, when in reality, it’s due to a lack of official support. Sponsorships don’t materialize out of thin air—they follow developer commitment. AOE4 didn’t start out with a thriving competitive scene just because the players willed it into existence. They had consistent developer backing, marketing, and funding. They would have nurtured it long ago, just as they did with their other titles. But they deliberately ignored it.

And that’s the real issue. AOE3 players have had to fight for basic updates, let alone tournament support. You’re suggesting we artificially generate interest with our own money, hoping it forces Microsoft’s hand—but why should we have to? It’s not the community’s job, It’s the studio’s job.


The fact this game never got surveys speaks volumes in hindsight.


Wasn’t there one of some kind once?

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I don’t believe so.

(20 Characters)

Please say what you think.

Huh? I was replying to MonsieurMoustache about a 3DE survey. I don’t recall us ever getting one.

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So that is what it is. I got a system message saying you were responding to me.

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It happens whenever someone replies on a topic you created

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I deleted all DLCs and AoM from my steam wishlist and not going to buy it anymore…