Campaign progress not saving (is this issue fixed?)

Does anyone know if this issue was ever fixed from a game patch or Steam cloud standpoint?

  • Issue: Campaign progress not being saved because steam-cloud was preventing ‘new’ progress to get uploaded

Dev replied in 2021 saying it was being tracked, but I don’t see any updates there since:

I’m a little worried that my Steam Cloud only shows 0.5MB free. If I start doing campaigns (or scenarios once the new V&V DLC comes out), will my progress get lost on a regular basis? EDIT: Actually, I just figured out Steam is telling me I’m only about 50% full, thankfully!! Pretty confusing text, imo… it should say, “47.96 MB left” to help remove ambiguity, and/or have a % meter next to it:

But my question about the status of the campaign save bug remains, since it is probably just a matter of time before I fill my cloud up to 100%. And there may be some players close to or at that mark already.

Yeah, I figured out it was about 50% when I saw AoE tells me I’m at 49.71% full. (Thanks AoE!)…

Also, if I were to disable Steam Cloud saves, in general, will it delete any or all of my local save files? What about if I ever re-enable cloud saving after disabling it, will it delete local files at that point when it tries to sync and sees the cloud looks different than local (i.e., will it favor the view in the cloud)?

I’m tempted to turn it off so I don’t ever run into any campaign save issues (or any other saves, for that matter), but I don’t want to create any out-of-sync situations where files on my PC ever get overwritten (neither upon disabling, nor upon re-enabling)… as it’s often unclear what files EA, Android, or Apple are keeping vs. deleting when you tell them to sync stuff, or if you disable cloud syncs.