Campaigns & Missions

So the old campaigns where really awesome (at least for their time), and I would really like it if they would
keep the old campaings and missions and simply update them.

Of course I would also appreciate new missions/campaigns, but it would be that great if I could play the
campaigns of my childhood again with modern graphics!

@Manello1 said:
So the old campaigns where really awesome (at least for their time), and I would really like it if they would
keep the old campaings and missions and simply update them.

Of course I would also appreciate new missions/campaigns, but it would be that great if I could play the
campaigns of my childhood again with modern graphics!

According to devs, it will be same campaigns but with minor changes.

have to agree, i too want to achieve the nostalgia of playing those missions, maybe even beat the one where u had to navigate a prince ( i think) through enemy land :slight_smile:

They will even include the demo campaigns.

I have fun memories with the campaigns

Except the Yamato ones and the last levels of Babylon. They were not fun at all.

it would be nice to see new campaigns, with more story behind!