So continuing my journey to mod aztec, currently I am trying to change the swashbuckler attack that the warchief gets from the age up in a charge attack (which works) and also make it so that the Ascension power attack speed boost ( or more specifically an upgraded version of it) also triggers after the swashbuckler attack.
I have added this to the powermod
<power name="dePowerAscension2" type="UnitAction">
<minimapeventtime sendalertto="player">1</minimapeventtime>
<placement forceonmap="1" enemy="" allowgaia="">unit</placement>
<power name="dePowerAscensionAux2" type="GeneralEffect">
<minimapeventtime sendalertto="none">1</minimapeventtime>
<effect type="ActionEnable" action="RoarROF">
<target type="ProtoUnit">xpAztecWarchief</target>
<effect type="ActionEnable" action="RoarSpeed">
<target type="ProtoUnit">xpAztecWarchief</target>
<effect type="RateOfFire" action="HandAttack" relativity="Absolute" amount="-0.30">
<target type="ProtoUnit">xpAztecWarchief</target>
<placement forceonmap="1">LOSDontCare</placement>
added the following to abilities
<xpaztecwarchief mergeMode= 'modify'>
<ability mergeMode= 'modify'>dePowerAscension
<tech mergeMode='add'>dePowerAscensionshadow</tech>
<ability mergeMode='add'>dePowerAscension2
<ability mergeMode='add'>dePowerAscensionAux2
<ability mergeMode='remove'>PowerSwashbuckler
The other changes to the warchief unit, tactics files etc has also been done
So what is happening now is that when the warchief does the swashbuckle attack, no power gets activiated. So the question is that am i missing something or is this setup not possible
Funny thing is that during my attempts to make this work I accidentlly got it to work but only if the new attack isnt a charge attack, but a normal click and aim power does trigger the other effect, therefore my suspicion is that charge attacks cant trigger a power.
any advice?