Can Hindustanis stop Italians?

Condotttiero comes in imperial age, genoese needs castle. How about making some army and fighting in castle age?
Something like camels-crossbows?
Or if you want to get comfortable with eco, how about a defensive castle and ghulam to raid?
Hindustanis is a good castle age civ, try to make use of the cheaper vills bonus effectively.

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Hindustanis discount is applies trough all the game, which is fare more useful then a discount on clikup because It makes managing your all economy much smoother, and you boom much more effective, which is a big advantage in itself

Hindustanis are much stronger than Italians in all ratings and stats…


This argument is answered before by @Zelley00. In Dark and Feudal Age, Hindustanis villager bonus is too low to be scaled (60f-90f vs 75f of Italians and Italians discount increases to 195f 30g with clicking Castle Age). Only after mid Castle Age, villager discount start to be scalable but at that time, Italians with cheap Uni techs, cheap Imperal Age+ 20% Cheaper Bombard Cannon starts to kick-in and finish Hindustanis in early Imperial Age.

Old Hindustanis was considered OP because early game wasn’t weak, villager discount used to give 140f-220f until Castle Age. Now it is weakest early game civ throughout 42 civilizations. Then Hindustanis Castle Age was best in the game, 480f from 48 villagers, now it is 360f (25% less). Most importantly, Hindustanis army composition heavily counter both archer and cavalry civilizations. Now all infantry units are buffed and Hindustanis is weak against strong infantry, Berserker, Woad Raider, Samurai, Kamayuk counter Hindustanis heavily.

Hindustanis win rate will fall below 45%. It is D tier civilization now. People didn’t realize yet.

The vill discount is one of the best eco bonus in the games for it’s flexibility and scaling power… it matters little if on an absolute value it’s less than the Italians or lithuanians bonus, otherwise there would be civs that are way more broken than the Italians…

It’s a bonus that basically helps you from the get go, if you mess your dark age a bit, you’ll have less idle TC time as you’ll need less food to pump out vills, in feudal it helps a bit in the back, ans in castle age it becomes the best bonus as you can easily boom with multiple TCs. Even in post imp it’s still good if you get raided and need to replace some vills.

I’m not saying that the Italians civ bonus is bad, it’s has its uses and for sure it’s strong if used correctly, but really the hindustanis eco bonus is a no brainer…


Lol D tier civ yeah better never try playing sicilians or koreans then loooooool

Hindustanis got rightfully nerfed are still above average and surely much stronger than Italians and with much, MUCH better eco. It’s no wonder that hindustanis eco bonus is considered on the best since their release.

Cheap Age up only helps in the context of cliking up, meaning.better timings, but cheaper vills makes your eco turbo much better, hence why hindustanis have a much easier time ####### ######## before they even realize than the reverse

That does sound like a tough matchup. I generally try to get to Hand Cannon + Hussar + Bombard Cannon as Hindustanis, but that combo gets destroyed by Genoese Crossbow + Condo. I would not recommend camels unless the opponent does mass Cavalier, since then you are just throwing away gold units against Hussar + GC.

You could go for infantry, with Ghulams to get rid of the GC. However the Ghulams don’t trade well against Hussar + Condo, and adding Halberdiers just means you do even worse against full Condo spam. Also you are just asking for an Italian tech switch to HC. I suppose that means you could transition to Hussar and/or Elite Skirm, but all of these feel like you are reacting instead of controlling the game.

In theory the best answer to enemy archer + infantry is Scorpions, but Hindustanis lack the Heavy upgrade. Still may be worth doing, with some halbs in front to defend from Italian Hussars. At that point your biggest threat is enemy Onagers/BBC, so you’ll need to snipe them with your own BBC, Hussars or Ghulams.