Can we get a developer update please?

While I agree that the patches is a big reason for certain changes to occurr, I also believe that before a patch can be properly balanced we need to give a new balancing patch time to see how the meta will evolve before making further changes.

That being said there are clearly balancing issues right now in the game that require ASAP attention that can make or break a game and that’s bad!

There’s some no brainer changes that need to be made, many of them Grubby covered on his channel

  • Chinese Fire lancers need nerfs
  • Chinese siege HP bonus needs nerf
  • Mongol production needs nerfs
  • Rus “sit in my base and get gold without mining gold” needs nerfs
  • Pro scouts needs a nerf (move slower w/ carcass)
  • Abassid clearly needs buffs
  • Delhi needs fixes
  • Water maps need attention

If you want to take longer to refine things like the awful Abbey of Kings - sure, that’s fine, but there are some needed nerfs that should go in asap.


I still haven’t played online because of the mongols on the ladder.


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So you’ve not played the game online at all because of videos you’ve watched and forum posts you’ve read? Mongol use is much less prevalent at lower elos and you’ll rarely encounter them. You may not be that great a player in which case it won’t be an issue for you. I say this as a 900-1000~ player. I’d estimate I encounter Mongols in around 10% of my 1v1s if that. HRE, Rus and French and English are all seen far more often. This is based on my experience of 177 matchmaking 1v1 games.

I absolutely share the sentiment of “buff on the same level” that devs announced 1-2 months ago, instead of nerfing stuff.

You want to encourage counterplay so different strats are viable but can be played against.
You don’t want to hammer every strat in the ground so there is only one single one left to strive towards.

That beeing said, just talking won’t fix anything.
You have to patch in stuff, work on it, and observe how the winrate and the gameflow developes.
Right now this seems to be the exact thing they are not doing.
Quite the oposite, ppl like GiveUanxiety (ex member of the balance team) stated, that they would like to patch the game more often and are really passionate about working on balance, but have to wait for other priorities and approval of some higher ups, which is absolutely killing the general support of the game and makes patches feel completely disconnected from communityfeedback, data or pro player input.

As I always say: This makes the game feel more abandoned and low priority than it should be and that’s a shame.


Imbalances matter at all skill

This myth of “it doesn’t matter until high elo” is not logical

Imbalances generally mean “I have to completely outplay my opponent in order to beat a strategy which is too easy/effective”

So people who abuse OP civs like mongol get artificially boosted because they’re beating equally skilled opponents far too often


The reality of low ELO nonsense negating imbalances isn’t a rhetorical argument used by some of us here, it’s a self-evident part of world, of course, balance still matters at all levels of skill.


if u would say “it’s okay to release patches ones in the year”. But u said - “Do not create topic”.

Can not u see the difference?

Even shortly after the patch, people thought France and English were among the best civs with French easily #1, Rus FC horse archers are a new thing as of a few weeks ago without much significant changes to them. Not to mention people built Kremlin every game for like the first month and now its considered bad. Rus were considered briefly by far the most op civ when horse archer meta was invented and then people realized that it was actually Mongols that were way better.

Springald meta took almost a month before it appeared as the op strat, before everyone just played feudal knight French, and springald meta came basically out of nowhere after a tournament with 0 patch changes.

That isn’t what I said. I said if he’s a lower elo it won’t really effect him as he’ll rarely encounter them based on my experience. I could have just been very lucky but it’s a lot of matches/hours to be lucky.

Hoping we hear from the developers soon. There are folks here with an obvious agenda that won’t be happy regardless, but there are plenty more just waiting on regular game updates.

Fingers crossed!

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You are wrong. People didn’t turn French and English upside down rightaway because the patch notes didn’t mention anything about the TC policy change, and it tooks people awhile to figure that out on their own.

Rus Horse Archer wasn’t something newly discovered. People who play team games have been using them since like… the beginning of the game. It’s just FC was much harder before the TC change. After people know FC is much safer than before, they started to focus more at later age but really OP units like Horse Archer. The same situation can also be said about Fire Lancer.