Can we please get an expansion pack?

If we were to make an actual expansion, I’d take : Jurchens, Tibetans, Thai, Songhai, Nubians, and Congo for civs. For real world maps : Baltic Sea region, Bay Area, New York City, Pacific Islands, Balkans, Maghreb, Egypt.

To make the world more “alive” more Aoe1 buildings should exist albeit scaled to AoE2. Cities aren’t just contemporary but rather filled with ruins and ancient ones. We need more types of ruins. Cities are also more than just working people and warriors. We need town drunks, executioners, different kinds of farms, more versions of stone (fishes have so many variants), moarrrr type of cliffs, mountains, everyone should have a variant of the Folwark (at least in editor).

ALSO we can get skinny kings, warrior kings.


Pythons, gorillas, orangutans, larger sized tigers, pet cheetahs, lionesses and pumas. For domestics, donkeys without loads, horses in dark brown and black colors, the ox as a herdable not just a cart puller, and camel caravan units (with the load on the camels directly instead of in a cart form).


It might inadvertantly change the balance of the game in TG, as the unit would have a smaller hitbox.

Bell towers, clock towers, observatories, hospitals, two story houses, wooden castles, wooden bridges, thick Constantinople walls, Khmer ruins, grain sacks, chickens/roosters, Oceanic and Toltec statues.


Like the donkey unit. Editor unit.

The statues need to be destroyable, also the pagoda buildings.


That would be cool. If a statue is destroyed for instance : statue of Jesus destroyed, the populace revolts in scenario. How crazy would it be for paintings to exist.

That and the Jesus reminds me of that painting of him that was painted over haha!

Other wild idea. Wood floor terrain and house walls so we can make isometric houses which can crafted to make a scene in a house.

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I LOVE this idea! It would make Machinimas much easier for sure.


It’s weird that even Return of Rome has tile floor pieces, indestructible walls, and other extras like weapons, food, and amphoras that you can use to make reasonable building interiors, but AoE2 remains incredibly bare in this department.
Would be super easy to add as well, but apparently the will to do so is missing.


This is so cool. You know what lemme play around in the RoR scenario editor.


My GOD! Machininmas! I miss that era. All these assets would make a cooler Skyrim. I like playing AoE2 like a Sim City and an RPG Maker lol.

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I find this very weird. I can understand not creating new assets, and I can just about understand not giving Persians central Asian architecture – but I’m not sure what to make of not adding existing assets. Surely the devs’ processes are streamlined enough that it would only take a few minutes to do this?

Similar story for some of the event mods, like the Black Knight, and the polar bear – surely adding these would be an easy win with a portion of the playerbase that the devs must know is dissatisfied.


Instead of getting these mememods (not the Black Knight cus that is actually cool), they could create an official mod for Persian architecture change, regulars units with hero skins and if they really want to be cool, change the damn mounted samurai so the knights in the Japanese scenario isn’t a knight.


Yeah, I picked the Black Knight as an example because it actually fits the game and isn’t some joke/novelty. Similarly, I think they should add just the polar bear, not a polar bear with a penguin riding it.
