Cant open the game

When I open the game, it said: The game is exiting as it cannot load or create the game configuration data. This is due to no directory access or file/folder permissions.

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Help pls! Help!!!

Desativa a proteção contra Ransomware.

Hi User39, Age of Empire 4 support recommended that you run your shortcut on your desktop as administrator if it doesn’t appear, then you create a shortcut with the executable from where your game files are stored. “RelicCardinal.exe”

Hello Sir,
Im facing the same issues after the update.
i tried that but then a dialog appears which is saying “Steam must be running. Try again launching the game from Steam”.

Please help

Same thing here, I’m getting this error even with Ransomware protection completely deactivated.

I’m also getting the same problem, and reinstalling, running as an administrator or deactivating Ransomware doesn’t work either. I don’t know what else to do

Hello, i have the same problem…
All updates
As admin to start
Delete the autostart…
New install, AoE4 and steam.
In steam repaired the Programm.
And so on.

What can i do?

I start it in steam. And for only 1 sec. Blackscreen and it closed.