- War Elephant: This unit is now available to the Bhakti minor civilization.
- [NEW] Qizilbash (Sufi): Instead of the War Elephant the Sufi can now train the Qizilbash, a ranged heavy cavalry unit:
- “It is available in the Commerce Age to anyone who has built a Trading Post at the Sufi Mosque. Armed with a lance and a bow this unit acts like a lancer with an additional ranged attack. The lance of the Qizilbash has increased range and will automatically be used if an enemy unit is close enough. The melee attack inflicts bonus damage against infantry. Although the bow attack does not share this bonus, it enables the Qizilbash to perform hit-and-run tactics.”
With the changes that have taken place in the native Asian Bhakti and Sufi, these proposals I think would be altered a bit. @Similarowl0320, What would you propose as a result of these changes and this new unit (Qizilbash)?