Celts split: Welsh, Scots, Irish

The guys wearing kilts and guns similar to the units in aoe3.I havent seen any medieval military unit called highlanders.

Well we have normans ingame who are a mix of viking franks so these guys might be fine too.

I think Celts civ should be renamed into Gaelic civ (representing the Scots). Goidelic (representing the Irish) could become a completely new ā€œCelticā€ civ.

Britons civ could be amended to represent, note: Britons (Welsh, Bretons). These changes would be mainly textual. A brand new English civ could be created to represent the contemporary English nation (their Unique Units could be Yeoman and ).

So there would be two brand new civs from the British Isles: English and Goidelic civs - they would fit with the Danes and Swedes civs (split of Vikings civ - renaming Vikings civ to Norwegians civ) in one big North Sea DLC.

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Well, imagine guys wearing kilts, chainmail and wielding a big ass sword called claymore.

You are describing mel gibson from braveheart.

Nah, I was thinking Basques, I guess I was just wrong 11.

Coulda sworn they had Celtic origins, but I guess not. Though in-game (its just one of the Berber campaigns) Celts are probably the best stand-in for them.

This is gonna make some people mad, but the Scots and Irish are ethnically the same people, so they should be represented by the same civ.

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Their differences go beyond their shared ethnicity. Culturally they differ enough to be 2 Civs, they would have to play differently.

Who came first though? XIV century highlanders or Mel Gibson?

Kilts didnā€™t exist until the 1600s, for the record


I was thinking about thatā€¦ But I thought it was the plaid capes only.

Tartan (the plaid pattern) did already exist.

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