Central America deserves more campaigns

Whimsical “what-if” scenarios aside, I agree. If it’s your cup of pulque, I’ve been working on a campaign for a civ design I made for the Purépecha Empire, who among several other things, were known for inflicting a catastrophic defeat on an invading Aztec army (although my campaign predates that era). I’ll be releasing the first parts of it after the new update goes live.

And let’s not forget the “Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter” campaign (the vampire in question being none other than Vlad Dracula).

That’s hilarious, and further cements my bias against AoE3. Oddly enough, about a decade ago I made a scenario loosely inspired by Chinese legends of the Land of Fusang, which some have interpreted as somewhere in the Americas, but it was hyper-whimsical and included fantastical elements like time travel, the fountain of youth, and movie references (made it to play with a friend group). But I would hate for anything so fringey and absurd to be an official project put out by the devs.