Update Time:
-Removed Long Swordsman, Capped Ram, Faith, Theocracy, Hoardings.
-Added Elite Eagle Warrior, Two Man Saw, Stone Shaft, Sanctity, and Onager.
-Removed farm and building size bonuses.
I’ve also made a new (campaign) Imp UT, since the current one is post-contact and isn’t really suitable for the 12-1300s Tariácuri arc, but could make an appearance in later scenario, such as Princess Eréndira.
Defensive Ranged Unit Civilization:
-Fish/Traps last 40% longer.
-Armor upgrades provide +1 extra melee armor.
-Ranged units have faster projectiles, lower frame delay.
-University and non-TC Economic Techs 33% more effective.
Team Bonus: Relics also generate wood (suggestion by @AllegedSpy95956)
Frame Delay and Projectile Speed
Frame delay is 6/6/10 for Archer line, 8/8 for Skirmisher line, 6/6 for Scorpion line. (already 0 for mangonels and ships), Projectile speed +15/25/50% for Archery Range units and ships, and +15/33% for Mangonel Line and +50/100% for scorpion line).
Quangariecha: Infantry that ignores bonus damage and anti-armor attacks.
HP:65 Speed: 1.1 Attack: 11 Armor: -2/2 Bonus: +3 Vs Eagles and Cav, +1 Vs Buildings.
Reload Time 2 TT 10 S
80 F 15 G
Elite Quangariecha: (Upgrade 750 F 350 G)
HP: 75 Speed: 1.15 Attack: 13 Armor: -1/2 Bonus: +6 Vs Eagles and Cav, +3 Vs Buildings.
Curiti: Upgrade of Monk available in Imperial Age. +1 Range, Increased healing range/rate. Returns 35 gold when killed.
(Upgrade: 500 W 500 G)
Unique Techs:
- Yácatas (350 W 350 G): Defensive buildings fire scorpion bolts.
(Campaign) Imp Tech:
- Uacúsecha Ascendancy: (1000F 800 G) Eagles and Siege Workshop Units +2 class armor and 2x bonus damage.
Imp UT Effects
Elite Eagles: + 10 vs monks, 4 vs cavalry, 5 vs siege, 3 vs camels. Heavy Scorpions: +4 vs buildings, +8 vs War Eles, +2 vs Rams/Trebs. Onagers: +45 vs buildings, +12 vs siege.
Battering Rams +125 vs buildings, +40 vs. Siege.
Eagles gain +2 infantry armor, SW Units gain +2 Siege Armor.
Missing Techs: Gunpowder and Cavalry related units/techs, Squires, Supplies, Arson, Long Swordsman/2H/Champion, Halberdier, Capped/Siege Ram, Siege Onager, Heavy Demo, Fast Fire Ship, Heated Shot, Sappers, Atonement, Faith, Theocracy, Heresy.
I’m basically finished with the first 2 scenarios of the Tarascan origins/Tariácuri campaign, and wanted to get feedback on them, but there’s no point in releasing them until the devs fix “Modify Attribute” (again), since that plays a key role in one of the civ bonuses and many of the scenario features.